This is the Message Centre for Man of Legend

ok, guys

Post 1

Man of Legend


just one small request:


crikey all the questions i've just answered on my forums are about the most stupid little errors. here it is: I AM NOT PERFECT, I WILL NEVER KNOW ALL THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT ELECTRONICS. I just made that article for an introduction to electronic (that is what the piece was originally called) if you have an questions about electronics then feel free to ask the but i will no longer defend my self against these petty remarks.

have a good weekend


ok, guys

Post 2

The Inventor of Marmalade

*clears throat.*

Shouldn't that be 'Can everYbody stop being so bloody PEDANTIC' ??

I hate to point it out, but that was asking for it!!

ok, guys

Post 3


Hello marmalade! Hello man of legend!

Man of legend I am sorry name was wrong when I write it before. Never see word "legend" before, think it as "leg end". I remember it good now, and know new word! Thank you man of legend!

I have electronic question.

If have many resistor in square like this

_ _ _ _ _

each line is one resistor, yes? Each line is 1 ohm. What is resistance between corners top left and bottom right?

Thank Q!

ok, guys

Post 4

Man of Legend

hmmn, yes it probably was asking for it. but I was mad at the time.

as for your question Q do you know the answer. If you don't then I would guess at almost zero as all of the resistors can be said to be in parallel with each other and the equation for resistors in parallel is: 1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3. . .etc. as all resistors are 1 ohm then each 1/Rx = 1. So Rt will equal the amount of resistors in parallel, however this number is not the number of the resistors in the circuit as each resistor has it's own equivalent circuit of all of the resistors around it. in this eqivalent circuit there will be both resistors in series and parallel (resistors in series is Rt = R1 + R2 + R3. . .etc.). So as you may be able to appreciate the original Rt will be a huge number, and 1/(any huge number) = a number reaching zero.

so, there you go, that's my theory, i'm not saying it's right by a long way, but that's my best guess. i could give a definitive answer if I had EDWin (an electronic computer aided design (ECAD) software package) with me as this works out any perameters of a circuit from a circuit diagram. also if this is wrong at least you've leant how to add resistors in parallel and series (if you didn't already know).

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