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Funakoshi's Way

Post 1

Man of Legend

In the past I have writen some really drunken ramblings about how I feel and how I feel those around me should re-act. Tonight it all becomes a little clearer, tonight I would like to share with you the truth. The reason we are here, and my believes.

Master Gichin Funakoshi is the founder of modern day karate-do. His life was that of a karateka. Although not perfect, as anyone's life rarely is, He is the guiding light. Master Funakoshi developed a way of life using the religon of the Buhdists, the techniques and culture of the Chinise and his own morale compass, which as far as I am concerned is perfect.

The man practiced humility and courage, strength and weakness, life and death. He understood them implicitly.

Humility: The way a pupil shall never be called such, for a pupil may teach his master.

Courage: Driving the force of karate-do ever-forward, to new lands and to new people.

Strength: The physical and mental strength to go through the barriers that man has set himself.

Weakness: To display weakness is to feign true strength.

Life: How to respect others and conduct oneself properly.

Death: The most severe, how to fight for one's life when the time arises.

People do not think about how their actions affect others, more to point, they do what they want. The lack of respect for one and other is amazing. Most of the time I can't stand to be on the same planet as most of you.

The energy you create is just vectors, I am learning to control these, although I will never be perfect I am striving for perfection. This is my way of understanding the world around me.

Kara-te: Kara = Empty; te = hand.

Funakoshi's Way

Post 2

Man of Legend

MoL again,

This is one of those posts that wont be here long, I'd give it a week. I would just like to point out that the last two paragraphs of this entry are not the thoughts of Master Funakoshi, they are my drunken ramblings!


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