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As the Beatles sung 'A Day in the Life'

Post 1

Man of Legend


Well it's been a funny old life since I left Uni. I had my Great plan, work hard for all of my academic life, from secondry to uni, and walk into a job. I even took another year out of my life to further my ambitions to work for IBM. My CV looks pretty hot for a man of my age, and there is/was a shortage of Engineers. However the world is a changed place since i took up my holy crusade to have a nice life. I think some of these changes are obvious and have had a huge knock-on affect.

i'm going to be quite selfish and talkabout my own little mircocosm, why do i feel like i do, and for those of you without feelings, what do i feel like.

The whole thing is epitomised by the last weeks events. I get a phone call two Wednesday's ago, 'i can get you an interview' comes the all too familar line, which always seems to pale into nothing, but wasted phone calls, leaving messages and the like, if you've dealt with agencies you know what i mean. So I think right, i'll see what comes of this. For a change I actually got an interview, but i was told on Monday, the interview was Thursday and i was going to be working mon tues and weds, which gave me all of 6 hours to prepare, including writing a 15 minute presentation. I had also booked tickets to a gig, which i couldn't go to. but on this occation the opportunity far outweighed the sacrificies, so i did it. The interview itself went well I wish I could have done a little more preperation though. On friday i got word that I seemed favorite for the job, but they wanted the weekend to make there mind up. To cut the rest of the story short, after a weekend of thinking the best the worst happened, they gave it to the other candidate. The decision seemed to be based on more experience (what do they expect from a grad, 40 years or something) and most disturbingly money. So another case in my life where i make the sacrificies, do the work, make a good impression, but remain rewardless.

After all these years, I've got to be greatful I've got a job at PC World. I'm sick of it.

So how do I feel, well oddly, I feel nothing, my Mother is more dissappointed than I am. I know how great a chance it was, it was the best chance i've had since I left Uni last June. I am drained, I have nothing left, not even the sadness in the deepest recess of my soul to justify feeling bad about the whole ordeal.

The next thing i'll have to put up with now is the harsh comments, well if you feel the need to make them, make them and leave, i'll pay no attention. I will however reply to those of you civil enough to lead the jaded to the fore, and bring a smile to my face.

Thanks for reading a whinge!


As the Beatles sung 'A Day in the Life'

Post 2

LL Waz

No harsh comments, but nothing to bring a smile either. Just sympathy and word to say don't give up trying. Don't settle for less than you want.

As the Beatles sung 'A Day in the Life'

Post 3

Man of Legend

Thank You

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