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My Best Poem

Post 1

Man of Legend

In the words of Reef "I got something to say"

Here it is, my feelings for one laid bare, treat it with care.

inspired by one i onced loved, not the one that hurt me.


My feelings just grow stronger,
I can't wait much longer,
To tell you how I feel,
I don't care what we do,
I need to be close to you,
Let me more than just a friend to you.

With each passing day,
I think of another way,
To express my feelings,
I really want to tell you,
But there's another chance I blew.

You're my first thought of each day,
and last thought of every night,
One day I hope I might,
Sit and stargaze with you,
And have the best times of my life next to you.

My Best Poem

Post 2

Man of Legend


Let me more than just a friend to you.

Should be

Let me be more than just a friend to you.

My Best Poem

Post 3

Researcher Marj

Well you say you liked your poem but to me, it was not exceptional, you didn't say who's poetry you had been reading, and it couldn't have been the Lords, who are always drunk and I think I have wiped most of mine off, so to what were you referring. Cheers Marj

My Best Poem

Post 4

Man of Legend

the poem was written when i was fifteen-ish. It was to a girl I fancied back then. The only reason I really like it is that the last two lines still invoke emosion, and I find them quite romantic for a fifteen year old.

As for poetry I read, nothing from books etc., I don't have time as I'm finishing a degree in engineering. My main source of poetry is lyrics. This may sound like heresy to a ardent poet, but the flow and ease with which lyrics are presented, tend to lead to some nice moments of escapism. Take the example of the lyrics that were removed from my page, they flow very gracefully around a subject that I, at least, can identify with.

I want to take a poetry or creative english course when I have finished uni to try and freshen up my skills, and continue to write 'not exceptional' poetry as a hobbie. I'll take 'not exceptional' as a compliment by the way, as I presume you mean 'it's not bad, but could do with some work'.

Does you page contain poetry, I may check it out, is there anything you could suggest that i could take a look at to improve my skills in the meantime.


My Best Poem

Post 5

Researcher Marj

I don't think I left anything on here but my poetry is on the Southern Counties over 2 U site, also Kent writers Page. As I visit a lot of the BBC sites. When you finish Uni, don't try and be a poet only for fun, as you won't earn much that way. Better to be a reporter as it takes a while to get into writing and getting accepted. I have written for lots of magazines but for everyone I have sent in and had accepted, I have had about 7 rejected, so it is not easy. I went in too late in life. I think if I was young like you I would aim to be an editor on a magazine or something like that. Don't be too eager to get on the BBC radio or television. They get loads of entries, and you wait for ages. I have two scripts in and its been over two months now. A good place to go to is Comedy or Drama writing. You can get tips there, if you are serious about writing. Poetry is not very popular, only to a few. Hope this helps you Cheers marj.

My Best Poem

Post 6

Man of Legend


Make money, from something artistic, me, not a chance. Its not that I wouldn't like to, I could imagine myself growing a little goatee or something, anyhow. I am an engineer (almost) by trade, in the field of electronics. That gives the analytical side of me fulfilment, and hopefully my wallet in a few months. I would like to get more into creative English and poetry, to rekindle that side of me. It would also help me in any job I may have. The creative thought process is key to any engineer, finding ways to embrace new technologies and all that.

As for the writing courses, drama, maybe, i'm not funny enough to write pure comedy, but maybe so situation stuff in dramas could be a possiblity. I just want to be more creative with my language, and probably stop swearing as much. Being able to write poetry and stories would be for my own amusement. I'm just out of practice really, I was predicted a D for my GCSE English and got a B so the exam, which involved a piece of creative writing must have been alright.

I can't wait to finish uni, in the words of Bart Simpson "It both sucks and blows".


My Best Poem

Post 7

Researcher Marj

Stick to engineering to get more money, for your own satisfasction just write if you don't want it published, keep it for any family you might have in the future, as we all have to grow older and we usually procreate, unless of couse the person is Homo or Lesbian. I will never say Gay, as it is a word I once used in poetry, now I can't it is always taken the wrong way. Cheers Marj

My Best Poem

Post 8


well i liked it, its 1 of the nicest poems ive read in a long time..'nicest' oh dear reminds me of my schooldays, my english teacher roared at me in front of the whole class..NICE IS NOT A WORD I WISH TO HEAR GIRL! total humilation lol im no poet myself but i like what i like and i like that very much smiley - smiley very thought provoking and if it can cause the mind to wander, take you off to someplace that makes you smile with fond memory cant be bad smiley - magic i had no idea you was only 15 when you wrote it, im astounded! just brilliant! smiley - wow

thought id leave you a little msg so as you know id visited your journal, seeing as i keep forgetting! lol smiley - biggrin

i have a friend who took writing classes (not poetry story writing), if you stick with it, might be a lot of fun for you!
good luck, i look forward to reading more smiley - biggrin

smiley - fullmoon

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