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Post 1

Man of Legend

On this day I was informed of the demise of the greatest band from Bradford, Terrorvision. This news has hit me hard, they are the band that got me through my teenage years. This is like a peripherary member of my family dying. I remember when i met leigh at the may ball at derby uni 2 years ago, i was shaking, i have never shaken in anyones presence before and since, these guys are my idols. the reason i love terrorvision is the songs, how infectious are they!!!! I remember hearing perseverence for the first time, I was so wrapped up in it, i was having feelings for a song. if the songs took a human form, then they would be of such awesome beauty that you would have to turn away in fear of being mesmerised for the rest of your life.
so to the end a twenty one gun salute, a tear in the eye, but an infectious song in the heart.
Thank You
Good Luck
Good Bye


PS I'll raise a tequila this weekend for you

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