what to believe??

Post 1

crazy liverpool lass

hiya hon, im dee smiley - smiley just another disillusioned ld user smiley - smiley jarve will tell u im a nutter, he`s very astute! lmao smiley - smiley i have visitors, usually its a portent of sumthin nasty gonna happen, love the paranormal m8! cool page u got here!! smiley - smiley cya soon xdeex

welcome dee

Post 2


smiley - vampirehiya babe so youve escaped the bane of 6050 too lolsmiley - smiley
i'm glad you like my web page its taking some time but its geting
there and if you like the paranormal then your right at home here theres
loads of cool stuff coming up soon so keep poping in hunny.
oh yea if you want o put me in your pal pilot in ld my tag is "psycho_surgeon"
laters babe smiley - vampirecraigsmiley - vampire

hiya craig

Post 3

crazy liverpool lass

cheers m8! be sure to keep checkin ur site...its a fascinatining subject, i do tarot cards, rune stones and of course theres my visitors, i,ve tried regression and was told by shem (a spirit guide) that im reincsrnated from sum 1 who died in the titanic disaster! apparently there is a 5o yr cycle, i died on the 15th april 1912 and was reborn same day and time 50 yrs later....crazy or what!! i just sent jarve a msg in german....will freak him out! lmao wat he gets 4 tellin every 1 im crazy! my user in ld is the same as on here!

cya soon m8 xdeex


Post 4


smiley - vampire..Hiya ive met a few others from your place in time and have learnt many things from them.
Your other gifts are good too they will if you use them right explain alot of things you may not yet know.
I have had an iteresting time with my gift ive had a knowledge of things not yet know to others since childbirth
and met a very good friend and high priest who taught me how to channel my gifts and worked my own way up to high priest
in next to know time.Ithen went on to run many covens.
My biggest gift is n healing i love to help others that have been failed by modern medicine unfortunately that is the only time
when most people will seek out a healer.Well hunny i hope i havent gone on too much and would love to hear more of you
take care now new found sister
smiley - smileyCRAIGsmiley - smiley


Post 5

crazy liverpool lass

i "SAW" lots of wierd and wonderful ppl when i was a kid, then i had a very nasty visitation when i was 14 so decided i wasnt seeing ne more! guess i 4 got about it then till recently, started feeling "things" again! decided to try the cards and ruin, my brother is very proficient with the tarot, im just a beginner! i also do astrology charts, another fascinating concept....and amazingly accurate! i only do astrology charts if the person is with me though, to much writing if u have to send it!! lol

catch ya later bro xdeex


Post 6


smiley - vampire.hiya sisx you have a huge skill more than what i thought you had when i first read your msg and if your feelings are coming back then i would sudgest you try and find a wich guide to help you cope with some of the experiances this could create.
have you ever tried healing its somthing all parents get when they have a child but dont realy relise it but your one of the special ones like me and i bet you have that skill.
one other thing before i go hunny i want you to belive in your self say it ten times if your feeling a little stuck with your tarot cards because if you belive in yoour self and your abilites then any thing is possible hunny
right i must be going but i will chat with you somtime in ld hunsmiley - smiley
big hugs smiley - hugCRAIGsmiley - hug


Post 7

crazy liverpool lass

thanx hon, its a scarey step to take...i usually just do sum stuff 4 fun1!! im not "good" at nethin cos i guess i got no confidence!! 1 think im good at though is pickin up pictures from ppls thoughts! i can ask some 1 to concentrate on a subject...its like tuning in and picking up information from the pictures that form!! i have an empathy but as u say, dont know how to channel!! ah well gotta dash! am off to town...cya soon bro, luv xdeex smiley - smiley


Post 8


I have worked with so many others that have a fear of taking that step i'm teaching a very good friend at the moment whom was very strong
but lacked the corage or skills to move foward and bring her skill to good use.This is quite normal so dont worry about it hunny if you can't find a giude
or as ive always called them a mage(a proven teaching witch of great skill)
then ask a friend with the same intrest but its some one you must feel safe and at ease with and start with basic books on the arts of magic
i would however discourge you from doing even the basic of spells as even those coulld go very wrong.
one good book to start with is 'A WITCHES' BIBLE" you can get this from any occult shop
and its a very good starting point i dont know where u are but i'm in west yorkshire and theres a very good
occult shop in howarth called"SPOOKS" there very nice and have a good stock of things most used in witch craft.
i hope this has helped if you should need know anything then just ask hunny i will help you anyway i can.
big hugsssmiley - hugsmiley - coolCRAIGsmiley - cool


Post 9

crazy liverpool lass

thanx craig smiley - smiley i do have some books which i read periodically, usually when im feeling curious about whats going on about me! smiley - smiley

my favourite at the moment is Meditation and the Inner Guide, thats how i came to meet shem, nice guy! smiley - smiley

i`ll have to find out what shops are available here in liverpool! smiley - smiley

catch ya l8tr bro xdeex


Post 10


HIYA SIS smiley - hug.i have a few friends in liverpool whom run a coven i will get in touch with them a soon as i can and find out what shops are where for you and get back to you as soon as i can with the details.
Its good you still meditate i find that a great help i also do ti chi to keep my mind body and soul in in good order you may wish to try it.its very refreshing and peacefull
right babe ive got a few things to do so i must be going
take care now and good luck with your juorney i will be there should you need ever need a friend.
smiley - vampireCraigsmiley - vampire

thanx bro

Post 11

crazy liverpool lass

smiley - cheers nice to know there is believers out there! smiley - smiley dee smiley - smiley

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