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Carpet burns

Post 1

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

It was little smiley - fish's birthday on Friday. He had some nice presents and a treat for his birthday tea - fish and chips.

The following morning, he was feeling really sorry for himself. We went out on Saturday for a pizza and a film. He doesn't seem to handle anti-climax well and there were signs on trouble with a flash of anger over something he perceived as being a slight, but which really wasn't. He decided he was going to make real popcorn and do it his way with no interference from me. He was really robust about that. In the event, he managed to burn the popcorn in the microwave - he put far too much in, then when it wasn't popping, set it on again and this time, the already popped popcorn turned to charcoal and there was thick smoke. Shortly after that there was popcorn spilled all over the living room carpet. I made him pick it all up.

Today, I was making food in the kitchen when I smelled a burning smell. On investigation, there was soggy burnt pieces of paper all over the living room carpet. I'm not quite sure what he was doing, but it seemed to involve lighting pieces of paper and then dropping them when flames licked round his fingers, then stamping on them then pouring water on them. Needless to say, the carpet is thoroughly singed in 4-5 places. I did give him a bowl of water, some carpet cleaner and a sponge, but to no avail. I've placed a rug over it. It looks dreadful. Previously he had been at a friend's birthday party. It seems that anti-climax has struck again.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Carpet burns

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Oh dear smiley - sadface
Perhaps a trip to the local fire station and a little chat with the chief is in ordersmiley - erm

smiley - hug

Carpet burns

Post 3


The fire station sounds like a good idea, in case he decides that fire is okay to play with.

The anti-climax issue is an interesting one. I wonder how the rest of us deal with it? Maybe he gets more excited than most about the climax, so the fall down the other side is greater?

smiley - hug

Carpet burns

Post 4


I did not pick this as a ZSF thread, by the way smiley - winkeye

The title did not make me think of little smiley - fish at all... I had quite a different kind of carpet burn on my mind when I opened it up smiley - flusteredsmiley - rofl

smiley - run

Carpet burns

Post 5

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Oh you naughty girl! (so did I...)smiley - winkeye

Carpet burns

Post 6

I'm not really here

Perhaps you need a 'calming down' routine with him so he learns it's perfectly normal to feel a bit low after some good times?

J doesn't have this problem, although I know when I was growing up my older brother used to do something similar - he had lino on the floor of his bedroom because of it and still there were burnt places.

I don't think my parents got to the bottom of it, but poor old M suffered a lot as each and ever younger sibling was born, especially me (being the first girl for three generations on my dad's side).

Carpet burns

Post 7

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Galaxy Babe and Fb - talking to the fire prevention people may be a good idea. I have a contact at the Fire Service, so I may talk to him. I remember I used to like putting strips of newspaper in the coal fire at home when I was small, although I'm sure I was rather younger than little smiley - fish. I did know enough to keep it in the hearth though!

I must admit I chose the title tongue in cheek (think Ballad of Barry and Freda

Mina, I think you may be right about having a calming down routine, but I'm not sure what to do. I suspect the first thing may to do may be to talk it through with him.

Lino on the bedroom floor! If your older brother was the oldest, he must have been dethroned again and again. I read a lovely story about a couple who were married and the man was do happy he decided to get a second wife who was every bit as wonderful as the first. The first wife then tried to find everything possible wrong with the second. Transpose the story to eldest child and younger child and you can see why the oldest often becomes very critical.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Carpet burns

Post 8

I'm not really here

I wasn't sure what to do as a calm down routine as I don't have one for J, but if it helps, for my anxious dog who isn't keen on new things I give him walnut bach remedy which helps him deal with change.

My brother was dethroned, yes. A dad that said 'you're too big to play' every time a new kiddy came along, and also one matchbox toy car a week, down to one a fortnight, one a month, then none. Poor old sod.

Carpet burns

Post 9


smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

You are naughty, you caught us all out smiley - biggrin

I do hope you can sort something out with little smiley - fish as that sounds a bit dangerous.

I hope you had a lovely holiday.

Very tired at moment, so will chat another day,

Take care,

Websailor smiley - dragon

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