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Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jun 19, 2008
What was the concert like? Well - it was a lot longer than I'd anticipated. There was a first half with a couple of really nice African bits, then a longish bit with progressive type jazz (one of the forms I don't really like), but which did include a nice bit of topical rapping (the audience had to shout out words from the letters in 'football', so the rapper included all those - and there were cheers when he rhymed some rather difficult ones (like Thierry Henri for the T). Then there was a break and little started to moan and then whine. He was tired, he had a headache. Funnily enough, I've noticed him having headaches when he's not wanted to be other places too, so although I've no doubt the headache was real, I think it seems to be one of a pattern. Funnily enough, on the way home, although he was indeed tired, the headache seemed to have magically disappeared.
The actualy performance of African Sanctus was louder and a bit faster than I remember. I had been singing bits in my head with some of the field recordings going round for days. There was one part where I couldn't make out the words (a bit where the men sang on their own), but apart from that it was brilliant. Difficult to really enjoy, though, with a little boy saying 'take me home' every 30 seconds. And David Fanshawe was actually there! He walked past me close enough to touch and I thought it was him, but wasn't actually certain until he came up at the end to lots of applause. He looks a lot older than when I saw him last.
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Websailor Posted Jun 19, 2008
I am glad it wasn't too stressful. That is quite something to expect of a little boy though, as it was longer than you expected, so I reckon he did well.
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Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jun 19, 2008
At the time, I felt really frustrated and the temptation was to give in and go home. I'm glad I didn't.
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Gnomon - time to move on Posted Jun 20, 2008
The first time I brought El to a concert, Pictures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky and Ravel, I gave her a pad of paper and a pencil. She had to draw pictures of all the pieces of music as they played. El always has to be doing something. She doesn't like most television because it is too passive. Of course, Doctor Who is an exception.
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frenchbean Posted Jun 20, 2008
First time I heard Pictures was in an art gallery; an experience I shall always remember and cherish.
Dr Who...
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Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jun 20, 2008
Oh, the first time I heard Pictures was by Emmerson, Lake and Palmer. It was later when I heard a more classical version. Still one of my favourites.
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