This is the Message Centre for Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2]
Sick, sick, sick
Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] Started conversation May 2, 2002
I just got over being totally sick. I left school early in the day on Wimpy, then relocated my breakfast to a convenient bucket as soon as I got home. Going promptly to bed, I stayed there pretty solidly for about the next eighteen or nineteen hours--I couldn't get up without wobbling anyway.
This is a great surprise to me. I *never* get sick. Never! I have always taken pride in the fact that my immune system regards invading alien viruses as much of a threat as chicken pox. So when my teeth are falling out from too much chattering and my forehead is getting ready to melt all my hair off, even then I was a little hesitant to take that day off from school. I'm glad I did, though. Otherwise I would have relocated my breakfast to (instead of that handy bucket) Mrs. "Light speed" Upton, my math teacher. And that would not have been a pretty thing.
I missed school on Wibble and Thing (today) but I'm feeling much better now. (Despite whatever my mother says, I think that playing several consecutive hours of Baldur's Gate truly is a way to let the body's natural healing process take over.) I plan on going to work this afternoon and should be attending school tomorrow.
Not so anymore,
Sick, sick, sick
Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond Posted May 21, 2002
Of course, since you went to nite trek while still sick, I think I picked it up too, first the fever thing you had (fortunately without the relocation of food), and then pharyngitis and a ruptured eardrum later. Loads of fun.
Sick, sick, sick
Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] Posted May 22, 2002
My mother just told me it was most likely to be pneumonia. Oh, yeah, what a blast. But now I'm fully confident that my immune system has reasserted itself as the dominant one, and I won't get sick for another few years. Yay.
I heard I got all the Elkford girls sick too. Oops. But I also heard they're better now.
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Sick, sick, sick
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