This is the Message Centre for Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2]

Title Shortening.

Post 1

David R. Litwin

Hello. I am putting on My Space a drop down menu with all of the Cynic's Guild members. However, your name is too long. So, I have shortened it. For now. I must ask you to either a: Accept the name I gave you (it shall follow) or B: shorten your own. Thank you for your co-operation. I made your name into: Ex Libris Draconium Cynic, Keeper, Dragon, Thingite, GOO

Title Shortening.

Post 2

Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2]

Hello. It's fine to just refer to me as "Ex Libris Draconium". I like my name the way it is--I don't think I'll change it until I have a lot more titles.


Title Shortening.

Post 3

David R. Litwin

Ok. So just Ex Libris Draconium. Ok. I'll change it. Thanks.

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