This is the Message Centre for Zarquon's Singing Fish!
Hell's back from Brazil!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jan 30, 2004
Hi there - great to have you back ... there's a certain entry in PR with your name on it!
How are Anna and the babies - probably not babies any more !
Hell's back from Brazil!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jan 30, 2004
Yes, I gather you've brought lots of music back from Brazil.
I'm still deciding what to wear for the party. What do salsa dancers usually wear?
Hell's back from Brazil!
Dr Hell Posted Jan 30, 2004
Sexy stuff, usually, zarq.
Sexy... Like, small red-shiny skirt, black leather high-heel shoes (but strong heels!)... Like a flamenco dancer with a shorter skirt, so you can see the (red, and not too scandalous) undies...
But then again, I am not a very good reference...
Hell's back from Brazil!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jan 30, 2004
I'm definitely up for that! I'll go and change.
Meanwhile, I have news for Anna. I now have a lovely man in my life and little likes him a lot. Have a look on my personal space and you will see a picture of him (his name is Roy) and little
in the h2g2 party pictures. We went to the afternoon meet, but missed the evening do.
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Hell's back from Brazil!
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