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Dream interpretation - can you help?

Post 1

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - biggrin Mornin' Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

As you are a very spiritual person, I thought maybe you could help me interpret a dream I had last night. It was really smiley - weird

I dreamt that I'd actually died, ending up in a sort of half-way house, stayed there for therapy where many others did too for various reasons, none of whom I knew, was read to from the book (not the bible as such) giving the details of the rules for living. The book was written in very simple terms, full of morals, but no parables or such like as in the bible. The book was written so that there was no way to put one's own connotations on it - very specific, and amusing too.

After I'd stayed there a good while, I met my dearly departed Gran, who then told me I was dead (hadn't realised till that point) but I had to go back to finish my pennance. At that point I woke up, but the really strange thing was, that I actually felt I was coming back to life as I awoke.

I know it's a really strange dream, and it's very different from any I've ever had before - very powerful message, but I need some help interpretting it, please could you help Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote? smiley - grovel

Jick smiley - dragon

Dream interpretation - can you help?

Post 2

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Just off to work. Will give it some thought during the day, Jick smiley - dragon.

What were the feelings you had during and after the dream?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Dream interpretation - can you help?

Post 3

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - erm pretty hard to describe my feelings during and after the dream, but I'll give it a go....

During the dream I felt kinda whole/complete (difficult smiley - sorry) when in the half-way/hostel/rehab type place. The counsellor/therapist, whatever the person was called helped me to understand why certain things had happened in my life - my relationship with my mother, etc. And the book told of the really important lessons - love, understanding, altruism, you know, that sort of thing. I was to strive more to reach these goals. Seeing my Gran again was heaven for me, but I was smiley - wah to have to leave her again, *knowing* that I had more pennance to serve/more suffering to endure, before I could go back to be with her again. The place beyond the half-way house seemed like it was *home*, not back here on Earth.

After the dream - I feel it's a spiritual experience, not necessarily a religious one, and that I must learn from it. I have a real sense that it will come to pass, so to speak. That it's a premonition more than just a dream. I *know* that I have more suffering to do, but that it is necessary, and I can accept that. It's all part of the learning process, and that I won't be able to move on without this experience, and it will all be worth it.

It sounds kinda morbid, but it really wasn't! It's just I'm not sure how to interpret it correctly, and what changes, if any, I should make in my life. I've also only heard of this type of thing from people who've had near-death experiences, and never just in a dream. I suppose then, that the other feeling I have been left with is confusion, as it's so different from anything I've ever experienced before.

I really appreciate your help Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote, truly I do! smiley - ta

Hope your day at work isn't too hectic,

smiley - hug

Jick smiley - dragon

Dream interpretation - can you help?

Post 4

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Interesting, Jick smiley - dragon, that when I've read through your dream again, the word that jumps out at me is 'penance'.

A penance is normally meted out after some kind of sin. It's a kind of punishment. For what? Sins in a previous life? OK, I suppose we all have had them.

Maybe what you had was a reminder of what your pupose is here for this lifetime - or a rallying call to find out what it is. I've certainly wondered often enough what my life's purpose is.

Maybe one of the messages is to live more in the moment and to appreciate what you have and what's there for you, as well as what you can give to others. It could be a call for self-examination.

It may also be that you wanted to see your Gran again and to experience her loving presence (which is probably always available to you anyway). There is a sense of loss here. A wish to return to source. However, the source is within you.

smiley - ermNo idea whether this makes any kind of sense to you or whether it's just bullsh*t. Anyway, it's what came to the fingers as I was reading your posts.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Dream interpretation - can you help?

Post 5

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - biggrin Hiya Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Thanks for helping, smiley - cheers, and I don't think your interpretation was bullsh*t, smiley - winkeye. The word 'penance' kept recurring in the dream, but I was given no clue as to what the penance was for, so it left me asking a lot of questions of myself. Could be sins from this life or a previous one, as you say, we all have them.

Maybe you're right about self-examination, and the call to explore what my purpose is in life. With all the questions I've been left with, that would kinda explain it, as would the need to see my Gran again - she was *the* most important person in my life, and I miss her greatly.

The main message from *the book* that I mentioned, was to give more, appreciate more, love more, etc - selflessness in other words. I was told that I was on the right lines, and some way to achieving this, but still had a lot more to do, so I agree with you on that point.

Like I said, it was just so strange an experience. Have you ever come across that type of dream before Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote?

Once again, I really appreciate your help with this, so smiley - ta very much. smiley - hug

Jick smiley - dragon

Dream interpretation - can you help?

Post 6

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Oh, I'm glad you thought is was helpful, Jick smiley - dragonsmiley - biggrin

I've just come back from the afternoon session of the h2g2 meet. Quite a lot of the people there went off to the pub and a few of us had a wander round the Science Museum. I was with Gnomon, Azara, Agapanthus, Phil, Metal Chicken and Justin. Others who started out with us peeled off. The plan was to meet up later before going to evening pub. It was nice to meet Ormondroyd and Z for the first time and to see agcBen again.

Have I had any similar dreams? No - not like yours. I've never met anyone in my dreams who has died or dreamed that I had.

I did have an interesting dream last night, part of which involved catching a train and waiting for Roy. Little smiley - fish got on the train and I was left on the platform waiting for Roy - very torn between getting him off the train and worried that it would go with both of us, leaving no-one to meet him when he turned up. I wasn't overly worried about little smiley - fish, as I knew he was in the company of people who would look after him until we turned up.

Self examination is the main plank of the Advaita Vedanta that Roy follows and I have started to focus my meditations in that direction.

changing the subject, I was talking about you to little smiley - fish on the way to catch the train to the meet and he said he'd like to talk to you! Quite what he would say, I don't know!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Dream interpretation - can you help?

Post 7

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - biggrin Mornin' Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Sounds as though you had a wonderful time at the meet. It must be really nice to talk to other researchers face to face for a change, instead of only here on hootoo. It must be like removing the mask, and revealing the face, if you know what I mean - the face behind the hootoo nickname. I know that Venus was going to go, but couldn't in the end.

Your dream sounds as though you have previously been torn between little smiley - fish and Roy, but you are starting to feel more at ease with both, together and separately as individuals. That's how it sounds to me, but I'm only guessing, so if I'm way off the mark, please forgive me.

smiley - wow that's really something! Little smiley - fish wanting to talk with me! I know it's a bit of a cliche, but I am honoured, and intrigued smiley - biggrin. I'd like that smiley - ok

Jick smiley - dragon

Dream interpretation - can you help?

Post 8

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Morning Jick smiley - dragon± smiley - biggrin

It was a bit different at the meet this time - fewer italics (in fact, none at all for the part I was there for) and the group was much more splintered than previously. It was great being with the little group I was with. I missed Bossel. Roy didn't really enjoy it, as he wasn't feeling brilliant. I think he would have enjoyed talking to the others in different circumstances (and possibly in a different setting).

Yes, I think the dream does indicate being torn in some directions between little smiley - fish and Roy. I suppose part of me thinks little smiley - fish is getting able to be more self reliant, although a bit headstrong sometimes. Roy wondered when I told him the dream, why it was that he wasn't there when he was expected and I had to wait for him.

Little smiley - fish wants to talk to you and Frenchbean! As I say, I've no idea what he wants to talk about.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Dream interpretation - can you help?

Post 9

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

Glad I wasn't too far off the mark with your dream Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote. smiley - erm Roy makes a good point there, could you give him an answer?

Have you been to quite a few meets then? It's rather strange that they split into groups to go to different places. Mind you, 'spose it's a bit like any other meeting of people - cliques, and different people liking different things smiley - winkeye.

When you were talking to little smiley - fish about Frenchbean and myself, you must have said something that caught his imagination/curiosity...smiley - erm. I must admit, I'm rather surprised (nicely though) and curious as to what he'd like to say.....

Jick smiley - dragon

Dream interpretation - can you help?

Post 10

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Roy suggested that there might be times when I needed him and he wasn't there. I don't know. Must dash - work to do, will catch up later, Jick smiley - dragon! smiley - run

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Dream interpretation - can you help?

Post 11

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - ok Ta ta for now Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Jick smiley - dragon

Dream interpretation - can you help?

Post 12

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Here's Gnomon's pictures of the meet. On the first one, you can see me walking and trying (and succeeding) in not setting the pressure alarm off. I managed to walk across the bit only lighting the bottom green and flicking the second green, which I thought was really good - nowhere near the red zone!

Still having dreams, though. I had one the other day where I dreamed my dad was dead and was allowed to see me and he was solid. I can't remember much else except that he came in two sizes, normal and small. He's still very much alive, btw. I suspect the dream resulted from your telling me about your gran.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Dream interpretation - can you help?

Post 13

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - biggrin Mornin' Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

smiley - wow so that's what you look like. smiley - cool picture! Is that Roy behind you, standing watching you intently? smiley - applause well done Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote! Light on yer feet! Looks like fun! smiley - biggrin

I had a quick shufty at the others too - makes it not so virtual on here now I know what you and the others look like. How'd you do on the quiz then?

It probably was me going on about my Gran that set you dreaming about your Dad. It tends to work that way, doesn't it? Maybe you seeing him in normal size is you looking at him as a child, and he gew smaller in size as you grew older and bigger? That's how it strikes me anyhoo. He must be the major influence in your life. smiley - smiley

Jick smiley - dragon

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