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Merry Christmas Z!

Post 21

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I imagine that there are many ways of finding your power animal. I originally did a dreaming/visualisation in a teepee with a whole load of other women where we set out to find our power animals. It was a guided visualisation after which we went to sleep (only I crept back to my tent, as little smiley - fish was sleeping there) and I can't remember what Jane did to get us to that state. As I remember, I thought the process wasn't working for me. I was expecting a bear, or an eagle or something, and I was really suprised when I got a snake - it simply hadn't occurred to me that my animal might be a snake.

The other way you can do this is by using (American Indian) Medicine Cards. There is a process you go through to find nine animals. I did it a while ago, and snake came up again as one of mine. You can get a set of Medicine Cards at new age type bookshops, and probably through WH Smith.

I've found the Medicine Cards quite useful when I want another angle on how I am at the moment, or on how someone else sees me.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Merry Christmas Z!

Post 22

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Had a quick look on Google and found these:

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Merry Christmas Z!

Post 23

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - wow just had a quick look at the links, and I've bookmarked them so as I can study them in more detail later.

I've seen programmes about Shamanism, and their animal guides. Fascinating stuff!

It's probably a smiley - silly question Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote, but is the snake a good guide to have - 'spose it is for the person who's got it?

Well, smiley - sadface as I said, I've not got time just now as I've got to smiley - run, but I'll definitely take a closer look later, smiley - ok

See ya later Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Prideth smiley - dragon

Merry Christmas Z!

Post 24

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

'is the snake a good guide to have'? Well, snakes are supposed to have several qualities. According to the American Indians, snakes mean transformation. They also have the gift of second sight, or prophesy. I always think of them as being good for intuition. So, yes, I think it's a good power animal to have. smiley - smiley

Let me know what you think of the links, Prideth smiley - dragon!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Merry Christmas Z!

Post 25

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - biggrin Hi Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

smiley - erm just been on the rainbow crystal site....hmmm....not sure I can detach my scientific knowledge of animals enough to embrace fully their descriptions.

There are so many errors as regards animal behaviour, that I'm struggling somewhat. eg. Cheetahs have to stalk close enough to a gazelle before launching into full flight, and can twist and turn and jink in pursuit of the jinking, dodging gazelle. Cheetahs, as you know, can bend their spines up and down as well as side to side - extremely agile predators, which have evolved this way in order to successfully hunt their prey, gazelle.

Elephants only appear to be telepathic to us, due to the fact that their calls/rumblings are too low for us to hear. They aren't exactly gentle creatures either - even a lion will run from an elephant.

She says that the Otter represents Woman Medicine - >>Otter is receptive<< - true; >>playful<< - true; >>free from jealosy<< - untrue, otters love to steal prey from other otters and other animals; >>where all can play without fear of harm or loss<< - totally false, otters are very elusive and timid for a very good reason, namely persecution by humans.

smiley - sorry to be so dismissive, I don't mean to be. It's just, I think it would work better, be more meaningful, if we saw the true natures of these animals, and did not anthropomorphise them. I do realise that these suppositions/descriptions were made many centuries before we fully understood the lives of these creatures, so maybe that would explain it? I *really* do believe that the message of understanding, communicating with, and adopting a love of animals and feeling part of Mother Nature as opposed to being detached from it, is a message we all should heed! It would not only help us in our own lives, but also builds respect for other people, animals and the environment in general. I feel like I have a real spiritual connection with the planet that gave me life, and think that anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded. It gave them life too after all. smiley - winkeye

Prideth smiley - dragon

Merry Christmas Z!

Post 26

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Oh, don't worry, Prideth smiley - dragon.

I confess I didn't look closely at the site before I posted the link, so I don't know what this site claims about the qualities of the animals. I suspect there are other variants.

In the main, what I know comes from American Indian mythology. I have Otter as one of my 'complementary' power animals and I like the image of Woman Power, being totally at ease with my body. I also like th image of playfulness. Where there are no humans, I'm sure that they are. (If I'm wrong about this, correct me. smiley - smiley I'm sure you're right about otters pinching each other's food. Most species will do that.

As far as the earth is concerned, I think it is a whole system and that we are but a small part of it, just as the earth is a living part of the universe. I think the image of a hologram represents it best. Each part shows the totality. Was it Blake who said something about seeing the universe in a grain of sand? smiley - magic

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Merry Christmas Z!

Post 27

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - biggrin Mornin' Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

smiley - wow not only were you born in the Chinese year of the smiley - dragon, but you also have an Otter as one of your Power Animals! That explains why I like you so much then! smiley - biggrin

She suggests that you look at many animals, be around them, note which ones you dream about, and are especially drawn towards, meditate to see which ones appear in order to discover which are your companions. That being the case;
a) Otter - definitely have to be one for me. The healing bit is particularly interesting, as I've been told on many ocassions by many different people that I have healing hands. I produce an awful lot of heat through them, and when I touch an injured bit, they get even hotter and tingle. The person, usually hubby, then says it's got better. I thought it was just the heat, as heat always helps anyhoo, but a Wikka (is that spelled correctly?) Witch I once met, took my hands and said I definitely had the power to heal, and he was willing to train me. I chickened out though...smiley - yikes

The playful bit about otters is true - that's why you and I hate BOFs, and believe in staying playfully child-like Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote. smiley - winkeye

b) smiley - dragon - of course is what I wish to be. Stong, assured, wise, magical (seeing the magic all around), protective. I can't remember if that's the correct definition of smiley - dragon aspects, but that's how I feel anyhoo.

c) smiley - fullmoon - can't quite remember it's definition either, but I've always been drawn to them, and their song smiley - musicalnote brings tears of joy to me eyes smiley - crysmiley - wow.

b) Leopard - smiley - blush can't remember again, but I truly admire the ingenuity of their survival skills. They make the most of any opportunity when it comes to hunting their prey. Solitary, (I can be very..), but very protective of their young.

There are others, but I just wanted to mention the main ones to see what you thought Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote. Have I got the gist?

Oh, it's not just what most folks would call beautiful animals, I adore smiley - spiders too! Not sure what that means though, other than admiring their survival skills, their hunting ability, their webs of course?

Prideth smiley - dragon

Merry Christmas Z!

Post 28

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Oh, only just seen this, Jick smiley - dragon! smiley - smiley

Playfulness - remind me to tell you the story of when my inner child came out to play on retreat one time - not enough time to tell you now - off to bed soon!

I wonder whether you might consider doing training for reiki? I did it with Roy's help last year and now I have hot (healing) hands. I was recommended to my reiki master and if you can, I would recommend that if you are interested in this to find one by recommendation - not necessarily the cheapest.

Wikka - normally spelled wicca. smiley - smiley

Dragons are splendid, powerful, boastful, gregarious, family oriented, possessive, generous, loyal - can be loud and bombastic (I'm a water dragon - the gentlest of dragons, so not bombastic), powerful, sexy, etc.

Wolf is teacher, family oriented, mature, loyal, skillful, team player.

Leopard is an enigma, the unknown.

Spiders now (did I tell you I got to hold a large tarantula once!) are about weaving, patience, skill, mmm, I've forgotten most of what they signify - they're quite complex if I remember correctly.

Time for bed now - I've a sore throat and should have gone earlier! Didn't get a great deal of sleep last night.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Merry Christmas Z!

Post 29

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - biggrin Mornin' Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Hope you got more smiley - zzz last night?

smiley - sorry not got time to reply properly just now, but I'll be back later, smiley - ok

I'm definitely interested in discussing this more smiley - winkeye

Jick smiley - dragon

Merry Christmas Z!

Post 30

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - biggrin Hi Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

I'll look forward to hearing more about when your inner child came out to play - you've got me intrigued smiley - erm

I suppose, even though others think I have healing hands, I never really believed it myself. And, as I mentioned before, I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to stuff like that. I'm also worried about letting people down, if it doesn't work, so I'll need to give it a lot more thought before embarking on something like that. I'll keep your suggestion in mind though, smiley - winkeye.

smiley - ta for giving me the correct spelling of Wicca, I couldn't quite remember before. smiley - ok

I like the description of the smiley - dragon - could well describe me, not sure about the powerful and sexy bits though...smiley - laugh (my chinese element is fire)

As for the smiley - fullmoon - I'd like to think of myself like that, and I must admit, I do smiley - love imparting my knowledge, it's a sharing thing, you understand...smiley - tongueoutsmiley - laugh

Now...the leopard, the enigma/unknown - that pretty much sums me up if you were to ask most people I know. I constantly get, 'I just don't get you! What planet are you from?' that conclusive evidence of one of my Power Animals?

smiley - wow you got hold of a Tarantula! smiley - cool

Spider - is the weaving bit like the saying, 'Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!' (excuse if I've got the quote slightly skuwiff)? Not sure on that? I have a major thing about honesty, so.... I've absolutely no patience what-so-ever, but the skill bit might be right...I won't do anything without giving it 100%, bit of a perfectionist really. Now, there's the boastful smiley - dragon bit smiley - rofl.

It's really complex this innit?

Jick smiley - dragon

Merry Christmas Z!

Post 31

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Oh, my story about my inner child. It's a good one (well, I think so!), Jick smiley - dragon.

I was on a retreat - my first ever - which was a silent one. Two workshop days (Friday evening - acclimatisation, Saturday and Sunday workshops). It was my first time going vegan and I didn't know you had to prepare for it so I got sick - violent withdrawal symptoms to coffee, dairy and meat. The rest of the retreat was silent - although there were prayers and practices.

On the Thursday, I found chaos breaking out all round me. I didn't appear to be doing anything to provoke it, but it did seem to be focussed on me. An example - I was dancing round a bonfire, singing with the others. It was a simple repetitive chant, which I would normally find really easy. For some reason, I kept mixing up the words and getting cross about it. The people next to me found it funny and started to chant the words wrongly and one started to tickle me. I was trying to be serious! At table in the evening, the meals were passed down the table, and I was missed out. My face was a picture and everyone laughed at me - well - my expression of dismay. There were more episodes and I couldn't understand why me, when *I* was trying to be serious. At the end of the retreat when we were allowed to talk again, someone told me I had a strong inner child and it had come out to play that day. smiley - magic

I was told I had healing hands too, Jick. You probably have. Believe in yourself! Mind you, once you're attuned in reiki, healing comes through you - you don't have to consciously direct it! Came in handy at work when a colleague injured her shoulder and was in tears with the pain. I put my hands on her shoulder and within a few minutes she started to straighten up. I was dead impressed.

I'm sure you're powerful and sexy, Jick! smiley - dragon Did I tell you my element was water? What's your Chinese animal?

The tarantula was lovely. It had very soft feet - like having cotton buds walking on your hand. I didn't want to give it back. I had to be very careful not to drop it because their shells break very easily if they're dropped. She was called Octavia. smiley - cool name for a spider, that!

I'll have a look at what it says for spider a bit later. I'm sure it has to do with ability to weave things together. Yes, it's really complex. smiley - smiley

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Merry Christmas Z!

Post 32

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - wow Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote, that *was* a really good story about your inner child, smiley - cool.

Being your first one, no wonder you were getting frustrated, and with the silence, you're bound to have been wondering what was going on, which, I suppose, made it all the funnier, once the silence was over and they could explain. Do you go on these retreats regularly? They sound great! Mind you, on saying that, I'm not too good at the silence bit, smiley - laugh.

Ooooh, how fabulous to have handled Octavia (smiley - cool name, for sure!)! I don't think I would have wanted to hand her back either! They're such beautiful creatures! Who did she belong to? A lucky person - that's who! smiley - wow I've never handled one, but I have handled snakes, which I also smiley - love!

smiley - cool no wonder you were dead impressed to have taken away your poor injured colleague's pain! I bet she was too! Is it true enough, that those with healing hands cannot heal themselves? I always found that strange, as surely, if you've got healing hands, you've got healing hands, if you see what I mean? Where do you think the healing touch which is being channeled through you comes from? I dare say, that's maybe the bit I'm concerned about.

Yes Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote, you did tell me your element was water, which according to my Ming Shu book, relates to communication. That sounds right, smiley - winkeye. My element of fire relates to stimulation, which is very accurate - I'm very intense, in fact, I am hyperactive (not just so much now, calmed down a wee bit) and I ended up passing it on to my eldest boy. He suffers severe ADHD, poor smiley - angel. My Chinese animal is the smiley - sheep - the most feminine animal apparently, which means of course I'm a yin sign from the house of gender - the smiley - pony being the yang to my yin. Fascinating! smiley - magic

smiley - cheers for the spider's weaving definition Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote, smiley - ta, feel much better about that aspect....does sewing count then? I used to smiley - love sewing, before I got arthritis in my hands. smiley - cry sadly I can't do much any more.

Complex stuff, sure enough, but fascinating! smiley - cool

Jick smiley - dragon

Merry Christmas Z!

Post 33

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi Jick smiley - dragonsmiley - biggrin

Yes, it was frustrating not knowing what was going on at the retreat. I knew it had something to do with me, and the more I tried not to cause chaos (and laughter), the more it occurred! They do say 'what you resist, persists!'. It was a relief to get an explanation at the end.

Octavia was lovely She was brought to an NLP training session. I also got to touch (but not hold, much to my disgust) a snake there. It 'kissed' my cheek with its tongue! Mythology says that if your ears are cleaned bt a snake, it gives you the gift of prophesy. smiley - smiley

Can healing hands heal themselves? With reiki, the answer is 'yes'! If I've hurt myself, I will put my hand/s on it if I can. Where does the energy come from? I comes from the earth, so I'm told. It goes to where it's needed.

I'm a fire sign with a water element = steam! (or confusion, take your pick) I'm not terribly intense, although I can hold strong views.

I'm sure spiders relate to sewing and other handcrafts. Just looked it up and it says that spider made the first alphabet. She's creative. She also spins the web of life (beware illusions) and could be urging you to look at different solutions if you have come to an impasse in your life. It's about the expansiveness of the eternal plan. If spider is showing her negagive aspects, there's a warning not to devalue the male energy (the strong balancing force) or to become resentful at others' achievements. The solution is to create your own web of delight! smiley - biggrin

Arthritis in your hands? smiley - yikes Often arthritis is diet related, I'm told. Dairy, acidic foods inc meat, alcohol, sugar and citrus fruit make it worse. Vegetables, cider vinegar (surprisingly), non-acidic fruits (eg apples and pears) and (again suprisingly) molasses smiley - yuk make it better. There's also a recommendation to bathe in something, I can't remember what. Something like bicarb of soda - some sort of salts - ah - smiley - eureka - Epsom Salts. There's a book I bought that I gave to a friend who was suffering similarly which detailed this. Can't remember who it's by - I think I bought it at a health food shop.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Merry Christmas Z!

Post 34

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - biggrin Hiya Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

smiley - wow I'd never heard that mythology before, a snake cleaning your ears giving you the gift of prophesy! smiley - cool Do you think that the snake who kissed your cheek felt drawn to you because it's one of your power animals? smiley - erm

Oh! So healing hands *can* heal themselves! The reason I asked, and thought that they couldn't, was, my mother was a medium, and had healing hands, but she couldn't heal herself...smiley - erm. I have tried on myself, and the heat from them helps a bit, but it doesn't exactly heal. Mind you, I've not had any training, so maybe that's why. Ah, that makes sense, the energy coming from the earth smiley - ok! Energy is all around us and through us after all.

Aha! smiley - eureka Maybe the spider is one of my power animals then - this relates to my dream maybe? The coming to an impasse, the looking for different solutions, the eternal plan? Could be? It certainly makes sense to me smiley - ok.

Arthritis runs in my family. All of them got it when they were reasonably young - late 20's, early 30's, and I didn't manage to escape it. I have heard too that certain foods make it better or worse. According to your list of foods, apart from meat and molasses, I pretty much follow it. The worst thing is that I drink a lot of smiley - coffee, which I know is bad for it, but I'm a real caffeine addict. I hadn't heard of bathing in Epsom Salts though, smiley - ta for the tip Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote, I'll need to try it.

Jick smiley - dragon

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