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Happy Halloween Z!

Post 21

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - erm Are you goin' to let him win this time? smiley - winkeye

I take it yer no' frae Lancashire originally then? Is it Devon yer frae? I too smiley - love languages, I took a year of Russian at school as well as German, and a wee bit o' French. The only thing being is that I've forgotten nearly all of it, what with not using it for a long while. Which languages do you speak?

I know what it's like when they are that young and hear the other little smiley - fish swearing. It's good you've managed to curb his enthusiasm for wanting to copy what the others are doing.

smiley - wow The Dalai Lama! What a man! Georgette Heyer was a great favourite of my Gran's, but smiley - blush I'm ashamed to say that I've never read any. I do smiley - love Tolkien, and have read a little of Terry Pratchett too. I also smiley - love the likes of Julian May, David and Leigh Eddings, Margaret Weis and Tracey Hickman's Dragonlance books, and many more. I'm so glad to hear yer no' a fan o' the dreaded Mills and Boon! smiley - tongueoutsmiley - winkeye *LOL* *Not*, for a moment did I think you would be, right enough smiley - laugh.

I've spent most of my life on horseback. I was only a bairn when my mother first took me on a horse. But, smiley - sadface, unfortunately, I don't get to go cuddie ridin' any more, and haven't for a guid couple o' years.

Prideth smiley - dragon

P.S. My online time is fast approaching its end for today, so I'll let you go to fight wee smiley - fish with his light sabre. smiley - smiley You can let me know the outcome tomorrow, yeh?

Happy Halloween Z!

Post 22

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I did teach him how to win. He's more interested in hitting whatever I'm holding that hitting me.

I do come from Lancashire. It's my fella who comes from Devon. He lives in North London at present.

I did a year of Russian at school, too and took an 'O level. However, played around so much in the class (the teacher was easily wound up and said he didn't believe in educating girls beyond learning how to read and write - I wondered what he was doing trying to teach us Russian - and he wasn't very good, either), that I got a Grade 7 (fail). I was really lucky not to be ungraded, I think.

I also took German and French, which I can speak reasonably, although lack of practice means my vocab isn't as good as it once was. I learned a bit of Italian at evening class, and have a smattering of other languages, learned from language tapes, mainly before going on holidays. My favourite it 'Can you repeat that more slowly, please!'.

I went to see the Dalai Lama about three years ago when he came to London. Fascinating man.

I would really have liked to have learned to ride a horse when I was little, however we didn't have much money as a household, so I got piano lessons instead. I wanted all sorts of other things as well - ballet classes and to be a brownie, but the money wasn't there. I did get trips to the seaside most Saturdays, though, on my dad's motorcycle.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Happy Halloween Z!

Post 23

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - biggrin Mornin' smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

I think he must be trying to disarm you then, before going in for the kill smiley - winkeye, quite clever tactics, no?

I thought as you said your accent isn't thick, that meant you'd moved to Lancashire, smiley - dohsmiley - sorrysmiley - blush. I've always fancied going to Devon as the pictures I've seen look so beautiful. I've been to Lancashire a few times when I used to show Afghan Hounds smiley - dog, but that was some years back. It too has some fabulous countryside.

smiley - musicalnote Do, do, do, do! Do, do, do, do! *sings theme to twighlight zone, badly* It's really smiley - weird to find that you also studied Russian, (not a commonly taught language), German and French. smiley - wowsmiley - biggrin. I don't speak any Italian though. The only thing close is when I've used Latin names for species of plants and animals.

Weren't you lucky to have seen the Dalai Lama smiley - wow! I would smiley - love to have seen him, *turns green with smiley - envy* Did he have as much, if not more charisma in the flesh, as he does on TV?

If it wasn't for my mother being a Riding Instructor, I don't think I could have learned to ride, it's SO expensive! I too smiley - love ballet and wanted lessons, again too expensive, so I was a Highland dancer instead. That is until I bust my ankle and had to quit. I loved it though. The cello is my favourite instrument. It's tone is just indescribable! I studied hard at primary school to pass the tests in order to learn to play it. I had my smiley - love set on it, but I moved to a new school a week before I was due to get my cello, smiley - wah and the new school didn't teach cello. They gave me a viola instead, smiley - groan but it just wasn't the same, so I gave it up.

What kind of motorbike did your dad have? The seaside is my most favourite place to go, and it sounds like even more fun travelling on the back of a bike to get there. smiley - biggrin

Prideth smiley - dragon

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