This is the Message Centre for MIKEIN3D

Sprangle welcomes you

Post 1

Sprangle(the short dog that dances in her own little world and plays in mud puddles when it rains)

I sprangle ( researcher like you) welcome you to H2G2. I found out about h2g2 from a friend of mine. How did you come about to this?
I recomend that you look at alabaster's personal space because it is quite interesting. Oh and please do be afraid to write anything in your journal not many on this sight read the entries. Another freind of mine is called Saturn's Daughter she has journal entries that will take you away. Well I best be leaveing now. Have a nice day and have a cup of tea and don't forget to smile. Welcome to H2G2.


Sprangle welcomes you

Post 2


hi thanx for that i found out about this from a friend like u.ime still abit rusty on workin this out but practice makes perfect so they say n thanx for the info. mate ile av a go av fun l@er

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