This is the Message Centre for crazy.liverpool.lass

new to me!

Post 1


Hi dee! crazy site...tell me more.


Post 2

crazy liverpool lass

welcome to globland a.jay! mwah!! smiley - smiley

first thing u need to do is click on edit page on ur own page...delete ur researcher number and replace with ur name!!smiley - smiley

try changing to classic goo cos its much nicer! smiley - smiley....u can write a title 4 ur page and an introduction while ur there, can be nethin u want babe..wen u done all that let me know if u need nethin else??...oh and u shd have a msg on ur page from an ace by now...they can tell u nethin and everythin u need to know! smiley - smiley

cya soon babe smiley - smiley
luv xdeex

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