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Cheater Bees

Post 1

Sea Change

My hollyhocks out front are going gangbusters, and this is drawing in those Huge, solitary bumblebees that I've only seen in Los Angeles.

Imagine my surprise when I saw them in among my fuchsias. That they were there was because I was around and this years' hummingbirds seem to be more shy (if that can be said about the pugnacious things), so they weren't there to defend. I thought, since some of them are modern hybrids and therefore have bells large enough for them to fit inside, that that is what they were there for.

But, no, they were buzzing up to the outside of the fuchsia bloom and settling down near the neck. I couldn't figure out what was going on, until one flew low enough to me and was hungry enough to just eat (or I had managed to stay still enough for it's motion sensors to omit my presence form it's motion sensors).

She was poking something sharp through the bloom! After she left, I saw that a number of similar blooms had small, healing slits in them. Instead of cooperating with my fuchsias in the game of Pollinator Sex, she was a masturbator.

Cheater Bees

Post 2


Hey, cool! What clever bees! smiley - cool

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