This is the Message Centre for Mim_NM

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Post 1


To contribute to the guide, follow this link... or press the contribute button on the menu bar. That takes you to the contribute page, where you can add a guide entry, visit the writing workshops where you can improve your writing skills, and see if there's anything you can add to this week's collaborative topic, which is dealing with divorce... Remember though that things like your journal are important contributions too...smiley - smiley

Anyway, welcome to the guide on behalf of the editorial team. I'm an Ace, an assistant community editor, and so I get to give people an official welcome to the site. And if you have any questions on anything site related, don't hesitate to ask me or another ace - you can track the rest of us down here: and we'll be happy to try to help.

My tip of the moment is smileys: if you want to know how to do one, be it smiley - schooloffish, smiley - rocket, or just plain smiley - smiley click here or click any smiley in any posting to find out how to do it.

Have fun... and have a fish smiley - fish

Joannasmiley - star

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smiley - winkeye

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Post 3


smiley - biggrin you're welcome.

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