This is the Message Centre for Maria

Nanojopomo... 2 (María)

Post 1


Sorry, I haven´t given it up.... yet.

But never mind, there´s no need to comment, really.

I follow the track of TC so:

weather: it´s raining at last! smiley - love after too much time without a drop of water and summer temperatures.

events: today, a lot. Taking daughter to Madrid to see a doctor (nothing serious) taking husband to hospital to get a knee operated ( nothing serious) rain, busy traffic, mails to answers... and the silly of me sign in to write a journal a day. Me who only has written farewell journals is now facing a blank space considering what to write that doesn´t make my friends hate that proposal of nanojopomo ( it is starting to sound like an exotic torture skill)

Ok, I´ll tell you something nice.

This morning in the way to Madrid with my daughter we were watching the sun rising. We were in a bus and the windows are huge. It was lovely. Look mum, is rosy, it´s lovely, - she said and she smiled. Then my mind mixed the word sunrise with the word in spanish sonrisa, which means smile.
I was a bit surprised that I hadn´t discovered that coincidence in the words after so many years of contact with the English language.

good night or good day for those who readsmiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - choc
smiley - run

Nanojopomo... 2 (María)

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

>>it is starting to sound like an exotic torture skill<<

smiley - rofl

And it is an astounding connection there between sunrise and sonrisa. smiley - ok

Nanojopomo... 2 (María)

Post 3


smiley - biggrin

Nanojopomo... 2 (María)

Post 4

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Ed with a song:

Nanojopomo... 2 (María)

Post 5


nice one... Good vibrations is what I feel now after such a hard day...

I like You are the sunshine of my life, and Sunny in the version of Tom JOnes and Ella FitzGerald.

Buenas noches amigossmiley - hug

Nanojopomo... 2 (María)

Post 6

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

One more:

(from the man who was lashed by storms on the Cote d'Azur last week. smiley - sadface)

Nanojopomo... 2 (María)

Post 7

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

my, that's a simply gorgeous song.

Nanojopomo... 2 (María)

Post 8

LL Waz

Sunrise / sonrisa that's so nice.

I hope you don't give up the journals, your's have a real non-uk flavour.

Nanojopomo... 2 (María)

Post 9

el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums

Yes, nice!

smiley - biggrin
(Me haces sonrir)

Nanojopomo... 2 (María)

Post 10

el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums

Sorry... typo,

smiley - biggrin

Nanojopomo... 2 (María)

Post 11

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

... and now I shall always be able to remember the spanish for smile Maria - thank you! It will put a picture of you and your daughter on that bus forever in my mind.

smiley - biggrin

I am loving these journals!

Nanojopomo... 2 (María)

Post 12


Thanks amigos. I´m glad you liked it smiley - cool

I gave it up. I´m busier than I thought and I´m not always sure about what to write.

Now I´ve just finished preparing a mini webquest for my pupils and I´ve thought that some of you here would like to see the webpage. It´s about an amazing rock formation near where I live, La Pedriza. The text is in Spanish but the pictures can give you the idea.

hope you like it:

Nanojopomo... 2 (María)

Post 13

el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums

Lo me gusta mucho! Quiero visitar, pronto!

smiley - biggrin

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