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Food and Face Paint

Post 1


Halloween's my favorite holiday, so it always ends up very elaborate. One year I was a T-bone steak--a friend helped me make a chicken wire frame and cover it with foam rubber and spray-paint it pink and red, and then I cut a hole in the middle, painted my face white and was the bone.

Another thing I've learned--regular face paint is silly because if you sweat while you're out or if you get wet, it runs off. I discovered the solution accidentally--Food coloring. Food coloring dyes the skin, doesn't rub off, not even if it gets wet, and does really great, brilliant colors. Fifteen minutes of concentrated scrubbing and soap will get it off once you're through. I have used blue (When I was Queen Maeve one year) and combined a lot of colors and dyed myself black, green and red (succubus). I swear by this method. smiley - biggrin
smiley - booksmiley - geek

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Food and Face Paint

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