A Conversation for Creating Great Fancy Dress Costumes

Bunch of Grapes

Post 1


Wear green.

Blow up lots of green ballons.

With help from a friend, use masking tape to attatch the ballons all over your body.

This outfit is *extremely* silly, but thats the whole point of it. (Thanks to my mate Janice, who invented this brilliantly stupid outfit.)


Bunch of Grapes

Post 2

Kandyman - Keeper of Old Buses

Just make sure your partner isn't going as a porcupine

Bunch of Grapes

Post 3

Carole - Fans' Forum Host

I did this one with purple balloons, a felt collar of large leaves tied onto a green ribbon and smaller leaves round each wrist! It was hilarious and went down really well with my son's friends who spent the evening chasing me fighting over the grapes as they dropped off.

TIP: Toilet cubicles and taxis can be challenging.

Thanks for the idea.

Bunch of Grapes

Post 4



great - I'm glad someone else gave it a go. Happy Shopper, I can imagine that taxis and toilets would be almost impossible.

Glad you had some fun with it!


Bunch of Grapes

Post 5


had a great night with this last minute idea. The kids loved it so much that by the end of the night I had been eaten - so to speak!
To overcome the toilet issue, I used a green boilersuit.

The only issue I had was buying enough packets of balloons abd seperating out the green ones! We used string fastened to safety pins to attach the balloons to the suit once I had it on.

Bunch of Grapes

Post 6



Thank Janice for the grapes outfruit. It's sweet!

smiley - biggrin

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