A Conversation for Dizzy the Egg - the Computer Game

Speccy Games

Post 1

Mister Matty

This is a fantastically detailed entry!

Myself, Doctorgonzo and knitbunny are doing a colaborative entry on classic spectrum games and a space had been cleared for the Dizzy games and lo! I found this smiley - smiley

Could u contribute or will we do our own?

Speccy Games

Post 2

Dead Mice

I would love to contribute to your entry. Just tell me what you need and I'll do my best, and I don't charge too much smiley - smiley

Thanks for the positive comments and reply soon.

Not Me.

Speccy Games

Post 3

Dead Mice


Speccy Games

Post 4

Mister Matty

Yeah, we'd be more than happy to accept your contribution. I've been playing the Dizzy games to b*****y on a spectrum emulator recently, but couldn't have come up with anything as good as your entry. smiley - smiley

Talk to DoctorGonzo about contributing. He is the "big cheese" smiley - smiley

Speccy Games

Post 5


Moi, le grand fromage? C'est incredible!

Ah, yes, the speccy game entry. Anything you want in, let me know, by any means you feel most comfortable with - this thread, email, a post to my user space, smoke signals. It's been on the 'back burner', as I've been too tired from work to do much. Which is odd, as I sit on my ass all day at work. Not doing much.

smiley - ok

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