This is the Message Centre for pinkmacaroon

Hello Pinky

Post 1


Hi, how are you? I hope all is well smiley - biggrin Wedginald and watchers miss you!

LO xx

Hello Pinky

Post 2


I'm back!!smiley - hugsmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblyYou know anyway though. I've had severe withdrawal symptoms. Hicky and Uggi haven't made it here yet then? I notice someone has been complaining of posts again.



Hello Pinky

Post 3


Great to have you backsmiley - hug Post been complained about? Not ours again?smiley - wah Mamtas thread on how addictive the MB is got complained aboutsmiley - sadface absolutely bonkers!

Very strange smileys these!

Hello Pinky

Post 4


Lush, how is the hungry one's leg? I assume he's feeling better as you are teaching him to drive.

Did you see the quote from the mods on Mamta's thread? Utterly looney.

Hello Pinky

Post 5


Dozing in bed this morning when OH came bounding up the stairs shouting "quick quick Chees*s is on the news!!!" He can't be doing with the W name.

Did you see the BBC News??!! Was jolly interesting until they sliced one in half OH got wrong end of stick and thought Wedginald had been executed on live TV smiley - laugh

The boys leg is fine, doesn't look too pretty but is not sore and high hopes that the scars will fade. Thanks for askingsmiley - hug

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