A Conversation for Scottish Researchers Group

Celtic blood

Post 1


Hello,i was born in Birmingham,but i'm from CELTIC heritage,my mom was from Parkhead and my dad was from Limerick

Celtic blood

Post 2

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Which Parkhead?

Celtic blood

Post 3

Demon Drawer

With Celtic in capitals I'm guessing Glasgow's. smiley - winkeye

Celtic blood

Post 4


I think you may have guessed right Demon Drawer,i thought it was a trick question for a minute there smiley - laugh

Celtic blood

Post 5

Demon Drawer

There is a parkehed in Edinbirgh which fords as a non-football following east coaster may have been confused with.

Celtic blood

Post 6


Is there a parkehed? In Edinbirgh?...what have i `missed?

Celtic blood

Post 7

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I used to just live up the road from Parkhead, remember? smiley - winkeye

Celtic blood

Post 8


My mother lived on quarrybrae street,right by Celtic park,they beat the gers yesterday smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly
smiley - peacedove

Celtic blood

Post 9


you don't follow football? sorry i will unsubscribe now!...but if you want to drop me a line about anything,you know where i am smiley - ok?

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