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Post 1


It's rainy days all around here, but beautiful, always beautiful. A friend of mine and I are planning on going backpacking in the Beartooth Mountains someday soon, i.e. we're planning on getting lost in the Beartooth Mountains sometime soon. Fortunatly for me, he's given up the idea (for now) of climbing to the top of Granite Peak, the highest mountain in Montana. I need to learn to be a mountaineer before that's even remotely or possibly a good idea.
I seem to have blown up some very intgral parts of my Linux partition--I'll have to start from scratch on it, again. 'Tis sad, truly.
I found a perfect quote, perhaps the perfect quote, browsing through the various quotes I have written down in the past year. Since I have nothing even remotely interesting to spew about, I'll leave off with it, in a sort of Sunday Morning style (think birds singing, babbling brooks, and the trancendental beauty of natural things)

"Friendship is vowing toward immortality
And does not know the passing away of beauty
Because it aims for the spirit"
~The Epic of Gilgamesh

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