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Post 1


Financial status: shite. But tomorrow I find out if I'm going to get paid on Friday. If they're not going to, I think I'll just walk out of there. I'm fed up with it. I've never complained in my life, never shouted at anyone at work - but tomorrow could be a turning point! Someone needs to get an earful for it... But who knows? Maybe the news will be good. One can hope.
Today I saw the worst palindrome in the world. It went a little something like this:
I was surprised when I picked up the phone, to hear a strange alien voice: 'Eci ovne ilaeg! Narts ara ehot. Eno hpe htpu dekc ipineh wdesir prus! Sawi.'
Looks more like Latin if you ask me. Anyway, that was a crap palindrome. Now here's a great pun:
When Ruth passed me the hot coins from the tumble-dryer, I thought, 'That gives a whole meaning to the phrase, "Burning a hole in your pocket"!'
If I had the time, I could come up with a hole lot better...

[You can view the full, unabridged journal on my website - see my introduction]

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