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Ka-PWING ...
Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki Posted Jul 18, 2001
Seriously ... no accent. Sometimes people say they can hear a twang on certain words but it's nothing that leaps out and says "I'm Scottish"! Probably just as well as otherwise I'd spend my whole time explaining myself to people!
I do have a serious side for when it's needed but it tends to get shoved aside by the less serious side - no matter what ...
Travelling is just the best I have to say - and I'm sure you couldn't do much better than Tahiti. I've got a fascination with Africa at the moment - actually Africa and Mongolia if you must know. The minute I can, I'll go to one or both - love to do about a year in africa and then a few months in Mongolia. You only really get a feel for a country if you're there for a long time.
I'd always head back to Scotland though - home is where the heart is and my heart's definitely in Scotland.
Ekki (how ever much he tries to forget about it, he's still insanely jealous of Jen's tickets to Slane ...)
Ka-PWING ...
hotblack Posted Jul 19, 2001
I had to leave yesterday - finished work at 4.45pm. I've no p.c. in my summer house.
I read through one of your entries in the Guide- the one about Hugs, and it was brilliant! I suppose writing for the Guide gets easier with practise [ here's hoping].
Yeah, you see you only did the ''I'm a tourist'' thing in Ireland. If you stayed longer you probably would come back with the same conclusions again but still, its a great country, at the end of the day. Some day I'll probably end up in Edinbourgh with my friends. My sister went there a while back and loved it.
Africa sounds really exciting, I think. It'd just be so so different. Total underestimation as usual by me but hey.
p.s. did you hear about the festival on here called witness? i'm going on the second day. some bands/ artists playing include: Fun Lovin' Criminals, PLacebo, James, Ash, David Kitt, Paul Weller. You should be insanely jealous by now if my calculations are correct. hehehe!
Ka-PWING ...
Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki Posted Jul 19, 2001
That's the annoying thing about only having internet connection at work! It's probably just as well to be honest!
The Hugs entry is the first one that has actaully been noticed! Lady Elly and I were having a chat about ing and it just sort of started from there. You're right, it does get easier but if there are two of you it's easier still as you can split the work ... it was a lot of fun writing it! Just need to go and practice!
Edinburgh's a great city I have to admit, but I think Glasgow's better ... it may not be as good to look at but the people are less snooty and more genuine - personal opinion of course!
Re: travelling. I spent 6 months in India when I was 18 and it was one of the most incredible places I've ever been. As you say, it's so different - it takes about a month to get your head around it, and even then it still shocks and surprises you - I imagine Africa would probably be very similar.
Ekki (getting more and more jealous as time goes on)
Ka-PWING ...
hotblack Posted Jul 19, 2001
True, true.Jesus, you must think I do no work at would be correct in thinking that! Well no, that's not strictly true, I did some there a while ago...
India? quality! much more exciting than Ireland, I must admit.
So, how often do you have to take on newcomers in h2g2? when i got your message saying I'd been aced by you, I misunderstood and thought it was a big mistake...I thought ye were making me an ACE
quite embarrassing.I didn't think it made much sense, my posting messages about how lost I was, and ye making me and ACE. A bit thick really, haha.
p.s. what are you upto for the summer? are you going to anything as exciting as me?
Ka-PWING ...
Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki Posted Jul 19, 2001
If you think you do no work, believe me when I say I do even less! I'm actually about to leave my current job and I don't know if I'm going to be able to H2G2 as religiously as I currently do!
As an ACE you can greet as many new researchers as you want. In fact, anyone can greet new researchers (like the Guardian Angels do), it's just as an ACE you get a shiny badge for your troubles! We get about a dozen new researchers a day and more over the weekends. A lot of them simply register and then don't come back for ages but we're always here meeting and greeting ... it's hoped that it makes you feel welcome - and as you know, we can help in times of strife!
You should apply to become one yourself once you've got to grips with the place ...
As for summer plans - well I've got 10 days in Cumbria painting a friends house - inside and out and then another 10 days on Skye where it'll probably be raining but we love it all the same! Not really anything overly exciting, but relaxing none the less!
Ka-PWING ...
hotblack Posted Jul 19, 2001
Ooh, really? is it because you do no work or is that an unrelated matter? what are ya gonna do next? do you know?
Sounds like a good summer all the same. Painting a friends house, though. on your holidays. why? its..its..unearthly! oh well, you must really just be crazy. whatever you're into yourself i suppose.
I didn't know you had to apply. How do they know if you're good enough to be an ACE? I aceship sounds like responsibility...hmmm... I back away from responsibility. Its not exactly a strong point of mine, to put it nicely.
Ka-PWING ...
Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki Posted Jul 19, 2001
Yeah, I know. Painting a friends house may seem like an odd thing to do for a summer holiday, but if the weather's good it'll be fantastic ... what's more I'm being paid to do it which is much needed seeing as I'm fast heading towards unemployment - voluntary rather than forced I hasten to add!
You don't really apply to be an ACE you just ask nicely and the powers that be say yes or no. As responsibilities go they don't get much less demanding - it's just a case of greeting new members and holding their hands while they find their feet ... which is an odd thought!
Ka-PWING ...
hotblack Posted Jul 19, 2001
Yes, yes it does. Very odd. Eccentric...some might say. But then again, I'm not some, Alex, I'm just Jen and I say rightio! I think I do anyway.Hmm.All this thinking and not being able to spea out loud is a bit confussing isn't it? Probably just me.
Well, all I can say, is, employment is extremely boring...why get caught up in it if you don't have to? Now you may have to eventually, but in the mean time, fr the first week or of unemploy ment [if it even lasts that long, who knows?], you should just laze about on sunny afternoons, or not sunny as the case may be [is very likely to be over here anyway]. Do not let a break in weather deter you from lazing! I miss lazing. Oh well, soon enough we shall be re-united, and what a glorious event that shall be!
Ah yes, but you must basically know how to work that Guide ML malarky to be accepted by those Powers that Be. Well well well. I'll just have to see. Unfortunately [for you that is, ), I'm finished this stupid job tomorrow (hurrah), so I won't be here for ages. With the possible exception of the odd time at the library.
Ka-PWING ...
Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki Posted Jul 19, 2001
You could always speak out loud if you wanted to! People might think you'd lost it, but then that may be an impression you want to give . If people think you're barking mad then they're usually pleasantly surprised when they find you're not ... it's an impression I like to cultivate!
I agree 100% about this work thing ... if I had my way no-one would have to work unless they really wanted to and even then they would only have to do exciting things. If the sun was shining you'd get the day off and you could have as much time off as you wanted ... I miss lazing mucho, but I'm not very good at it - which is why the house painting holiday is going to be so good!
As it happens, I finish this job of mine tomorrow too ... but sadly I start a new one again on monday ... so I'm only going to be able to get on here for short bursts at a time. But I'll keep my eyes peeled for you Jen, just to make sure that you're OK ...
In spite of my jealousy, you'll have to let me know how Slane is ... Not fair ... toys are being chucked out of the pram as we speak!
Ka-PWING ...
hotblack Posted Jul 19, 2001
True, true, I could. But my uncle is the boss [hence the job], so I can't really. Also, everyone in the office is really stressed cause of problems with french clients. Things ain't looking good round here. Grim faces galore. Oh hohoho and a bottle of rum. barrel of laughs.
Starting again on monday?! what kind of umemployment do you call that?!A weekend off! honestly! there's no time for lazing there. I am shocked and appalled. Still though, good luck at your new work place. Just don't tell me you're just moving offices or something.
Given time, lazing becomes a part of you, who you are. Practice makes perfect after all. Its nothing you intend to happen, it just does. Before you know it, you could be a champion lazer. Oh dear, I sound a little crazy again, don't I? gosh darn it.
No problem, i assure you I will enjoy gloating. Its not often that I get to gloat, believe me. No, I will try to be unbiased and just tell you truthfully how brilliant it! i'm all excited just thinkin about it!
Dammit, not only am I losing my job, I'm losing my ace!
I'll be okay, don't worry your pretty little head.
Ka-PWING ...
Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki Posted Jul 19, 2001
... there, there, don't
... you'll be ok ...
I'm not going for good, just won't be here as often - and as I said, you'll be fine!
Yep, start the new job on monday, but it's only for three weeks and then I really will be unemployed - that's when the thoughts of Africa will come flooding back!
Think the laze may well set in if I give it a chance ... got to fight it mind! There are bills to pay ... think I'm going to go and live with a nomadic mongol yak herdsman ... it may be hardwork and a pretty solitary life, but at least I won't have to pay bills!
*waves in Jen's direction*
Ka-PWING ...
hotblack Posted Jul 20, 2001
Thanks Alex! I'm okay. Sure, I won't be in here for ages myself. I'll still subscribe to this conversation though, so I can post to you occassionally. Last day of work eh? Hows yours going? Good I hope. Mines fine. Just hangin around, doing nothing. Cleaning up mostly.
I tried for a different job last night as a waitress [in a cocktail bar - no that isn't true. sorry], but I didn't get it. They are laying people off actually due to a lack of tourists this year [ v.little americans surprisingly. Normally the place is swarming and all you can hear is their drawl asking the way to the cliffs etc.] But I'm okay, nonetheless, my spirit remains intact. Probably coz I got a huuuuge hug from my friend who's main aim in life, it seems, is to greet everyone with huge hugs. which is great and entirely unique. A bit scary though, as he usually wears hoodie jumpers with the hoods up and runs straight towards the victim shouting. Hmmm. I'm beginning to doubt his sanity.
the insane will prevail. aay!
Good luck fighting off the temptations and evils of lazing. Me? I shall embrace them wholeheartedly.
Good plan by the way! youo could write a series of books about your adventures. Here are some title ideas:
Alex The Hermit.
Alex The Nomad.
Alex The Lonely Goatherd. [yodle ay he yodle ay he yodle ooh]
Alex The Great [ well I had to stick that in didn't I?].
Or you could go for enid blyton style:
Alex and The Mystery of the Missing Goat
oops I got a bit carried away there!
Ka-PWING ...
Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki Posted Jul 20, 2001
You've done it again, Jen ...
Last day is as frantic as I'd imagined it would be! So much to do and so little time - all gone ok so far but could easily go pear shaped! Lots of cleaning up - know how you feel - 2 1/2 years of clutter!
's are the way ahead ... I've decided that perhaps a professional hugger is a position that is lacking status - I'm going to become the first - better than doing nothing and makes everyone's day! I'm all heart!
Stay tuned and we'll no doubt converse at some point again - besides you've got to let me know what Slane's like (still jealous but hiding it remarkably well ... )
Happy lazing until next time ...
Now, where's that novel.
Ka-PWING ...
hotblack Posted Aug 28, 2001
I'm back baby! haha. no seriously, i am. and i've been to slane. how to describe it...?...AMAZING!! bloody brilliant! ok, i'll give you the line - up type thing and analysis.
Relish: they were quite excellent, really. their music is v. boppy & happy and they don't take themselves too seriously. They played well on the day.
JJ72: played one good song - October Swimmer. The lead everything was a big meanie fool & no-one liked him. they had v. bad vibes.
Kelis: was crap. then again i expected that. i just don't like her. she's a singer but she needed about 10 back up singers. what's that about??? plus- she played a cover; of the Eurhythmics' Sweet Dreams. For crying out loud. Many people were chanting 'i hate you so much right now' by the end, myself included.
Coldplay: rocked. I just love them. they were doin old song, new song, old song, new song type thing. they were brilliant. Really good vibes. Really happy band, and they were really glad to be there. Everyone loved them. they played all the best ones off Parachutes incl., Don't Panic, Shiver, Trouble, Yellow, Everythings Not Lost. I cen't remember what else they played, but they were great.
Red Hot Chili Peppers: !!!! need i say more? i don't think so, but i will anyway. OUT OF THIS WORLD. played the best ones from Californication, except Roadtrippin. Also played some old stuff, such as Under the Bridge, Me and My Friends and others. They played some brand new stuff from the new album and generally got the crowd going, big time. they're great. hurrah for RHCP!!
U2: I thought they were pretty amazing alright, especially taking into account Bono's recent loss. Played lots from Everything You Didn't Leave Behind, some good old stuff, such as, One, Desire, New Years Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday.
i can barely remember the rest, not that i was drunk or anything... i just have a really bad memory. getting tired now. i've had a busy summer. Its been great overall. write back with all your news. talk to ya soon.
Ka-PWING ...
Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki Posted Sep 13, 2001
Finally back for long enough to reply to your message, Jen.
It would appear that Slane was something of a hit ... I don't want to know! Other friends of mine went and said that it was absolutely incredible ... I'm still insanely jealous but seeing as it's been and gone, there's not much I can do about it - I'll just have to wait until next time!
So ... how's the rest of your summer been? Did you have a wild and crazy time?
I've genuinely joined the ranks of the unemployed now ... all my holidays are done - painting and Skye and I've now got to start thinking about work again - but then again!?
Hey Ho, oh Aced one ... time to go and catch up on what I've been missing and go and welcome some more people!
Toodleoo and all that and hopefully be back soon.
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Ka-PWING ...
- 21: Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki (Jul 18, 2001)
- 22: hotblack (Jul 19, 2001)
- 23: Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki (Jul 19, 2001)
- 24: hotblack (Jul 19, 2001)
- 25: Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki (Jul 19, 2001)
- 26: hotblack (Jul 19, 2001)
- 27: Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki (Jul 19, 2001)
- 28: hotblack (Jul 19, 2001)
- 29: Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki (Jul 19, 2001)
- 30: hotblack (Jul 19, 2001)
- 31: Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki (Jul 19, 2001)
- 32: hotblack (Jul 20, 2001)
- 33: Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki (Jul 20, 2001)
- 34: hotblack (Aug 28, 2001)
- 35: Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki (Sep 13, 2001)
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