This is the Message Centre for Lady Ice, Black Herald of the order of the Silver Staff


Post 1

Artenshiur, the perpetually pseudopresent

Yoiks! MPSD, eh? Good job, too. This just being artenshiur being friendly. have a niceish day, and feel free to drop by my small haven of neuroses. Perhaps we shall have a cup of smiley - tea, or what such things. Merry existence.


Post 2

Artenshiur, the perpetually pseudopresent

eish! you not be on in longish time. Merry that. unmerry that. flip all the merryings over and look at them through green glass and you see a cow. Look! Jay! I'll just be off for a good chasing. you canna get many o those these days. derned newbie bertant reghud. well good tidings for carps mes. and look at the spinning lights, it works


Post 3

Someone New.... ish

*stares into spinning lights*

Nope, that still dont make your posting any clearer! smiley - winkeye

May I introduce myself kind sir?

*wonders how she gets herself into these places from the info page...* smiley - biggrin


Post 4

Artenshiur, the perpetually pseudopresent

Someone- I's be tinkin I's Arty, or Arten, depending on who I am. you, as far as I can see, is Someone. I'd like to point out to you that I's be partially backwards and partially upside down and also partially insane. Fang not be speaking, for she not be being as of the past few weeks. Dis be in Fang's space. I has no idea whatish you is doing being sent here, but hey! you're welcome to speak wit us... well, me for now. I generally likes to no of people, whatish longitude you be around? so as I can know the general time you might be on. Oh! which is better, cats or dogs?


Post 5

Lady Ice, Black Herald of the order of the Silver Staff

::laughs:: "Someone" don't mind him he just does this every once in a while. He may not seem quite right in the head, and really he isn't (but we don't tell many that for his sake). Unfortunetly he is also a lot smarter then he sometimes acts. Oh and "Arty" try not to scare the visitor they most likely haven't delt with our type before.Oh and if you favor the side of the Cats I suggest you leave cause well ::nods to "Arty":: we're both for the dogs. Well..... yea..... ::lays down and takes a nap::


Post 6

Someone New.... ish

smiley - biggrin Sounds just like the kinda people that get attracted to this place! God only know's I'm one of them as well!

BTW, call me SN for short... far easier than "someone" and makes me feel like a kinda persona! smiley - smiley


Post 7

Artenshiur, the perpetually pseudopresent

Fun things. Fun things. you know, Fang naps everytime she finishes speaking. And then she nags me to respond. and then she takes a week to talk again. all part of the fun. But if you watch closely, the sound gets sucked right out of the shell and into the innigvet, leaving nothing but a few embryos and a Knight who says Ni. if you please!!!


Post 8

Someone New.... ish

A night who says Ni! Oh cover my poor ears! smiley - winkeye

So Fang, why do you feel the sudden urge to doze after every posting? Though I have to admit thats a great excuse for not replying to postings!


Post 9

Lady Ice, Black Herald of the order of the Silver Staff

::sighs, looking up:: GO GET A SHRUBERY!!!!!!!!!!! ::laughs evilly:: sorry you have to understand "Arty" and I are not quite like most people here. And ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!!!!! DO YOU FAVOR THE DOGS OR CATS!!!!!!!!!Oh and why I take a nap every time is cause I'M TIRED, that okay WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!! ::LAYS DOWN AND TAKES A NAP!!!::


Post 10

Artenshiur, the perpetually pseudopresent

Indeed we are not, on occasion, people at all. I in fact never am.

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