This is the Message Centre for Kandyman - Keeper of Old Buses
Well done
TIMELORD Started conversation Jul 18, 2002
Just droping by to say well well done on winning this weeks quiz.
Well done
Kandyman - Keeper of Old Buses Posted Jul 18, 2002
Thanks for dropping by. Join me in a to celebrate!
I notice that 40-odd years of supporting Hearts didn't help me get the first question right
Keep up the quizzes - I enjoy trying to answer them, although I haven't had a "pass" mark yet.
See you,
K (KoOB)
Well done
TIMELORD Posted Jul 19, 2002
Don't knock it you won this weeks quiz.
I must admit i was a little surprised that Ronnie had played football in his early days i tend to thing of him from The Two Ronnies.
Charle B Fry seemed a very impressive person as well as captaining Englad at cricket (One of the greatest batsman of all time and a fast bowler) he played football appearing in an F.A. cup final and was the world long jump champion he also played rugby and having only one lung makes this even more remarkable.
He even suggested to a friend that he might take up horse racing next
the reply is classic "What as charle Trainer horse or jockey"
I remember hearing about Eamonn Andrews fighting in a semi final of a boxing tournament Jumping straight out of the ring grabing the mike so he could commentate on the second semi final for the radio i hate to think how it would have worked had he lost.
Anyway it helps to tell the tail of how a few of the questions came about i should do this more often keep on entering the quiz.
Well done
Kandyman - Keeper of Old Buses Posted Jul 19, 2002
It's amazing to find put some of the thing famous people did before they were famous! Like Rod Stewart getting a trial for Brentford(?) etc.
Do you spend ages searching through reference books to compile the quizzes or do you rely on your own knowledge? Some of the questions you've posed need a fairly comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter.
I've some idea how hard it is to compose a balanced quiz as a friend and I used to run the Scottish Civil Service General Knowkedge Quiz some years ago. I used to spend hours with reference books compiling lists of questions then wondering if the were too hard or too easy. As the old saying goes: "The questions are only hard when you don't know the answers".
Anyway - keep posing the questions and, if I can get to a computer, I'll keep trying to answer them!
See you
K (KoOB)
Well done
TIMELORD Posted Jul 20, 2002
I have to admit i am sometimes trying to come up with 9 questions when i should have posted the quiz.I do have a lot of books around to help but with picking a different subject each week like comedy films this week and sport last week its hard.Well a lot of the films this week i would have known i have seen every film i asked a question about many times but i used a film guide to help with spelling and checking facts.with the sports quiz i used a book on sporting heros and a football quiz book i got from the libary just to help my sports knowledge not being up to writing a quiz(it started out as a football quiz but i run out of ideas)then again when doing something i like like the Blake's 7 or Blackadder quiz the questions just seem so easy to write.
One of the things i find hard is picking a new subject(i do requests)i can be at a lost for a idea of what type of quiz to do this week spend hours thinking about it then when i have the subject i just sit down and write it in about an hour.On other occasions i will have had the subject all week but can only think of a few questions so i am then trying to come up with the last few questions as time is running out.
I do make the quiz hard but then again when i check my e-mail on thursday morning and have 3 people who have got 9/10(and i am being very mean saying that they got 9 and not 10 as all 3 give the same answer as you for question 2)how hard can it be.
Well done
Kandyman - Keeper of Old Buses Posted Jul 21, 2002
If you're stuck for Quiz categories, maybe you could use these:-
WHO SAID? (Famous Quotations)
FAMOUS MONUMENTS (In which city?)
CARS (Give a model name and ask who made it)
ISAAC ASIMOV's ROBOT SERIES (Or Foundation Series)
HITS OF THE 60's (or 70's, 80's, 90's)
NAME THE BANDS (From named band-members)
NAME THE YEAR (From events that happened in that year)
Apologies if you've already used any of these - I haven't been through all the back issues of The Post.
K (KoOB)
Well done
TIMELORD Posted Jul 21, 2002
Well i am a little strange in that i do not like music* but i like the idea of Arther c Clarke and Isaac Asimov quiz.
I love Quotes but i think there are a lot on this site as it is so a quiz on them might not work as for name the year that would just make me feel old
*Well i like some but things like the Barron knights and Jasper Carrot don't count as music do they?
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