A Conversation for Soderkoping, Sweden

Pedantic point...

Post 1

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Just a quick remark on a detail. In the section about the schools, it says that the teachers "talk about the 'Nyströska spirit'". There seems to be an m missing, ad the correct phrase should be "talk about the 'Nyströmska spirit'".

All in all, I have to say that it was a pretty informative article on why not to go to Söderköping, and I wish I had seen it before the company I used to work for decided to have their company kick-off gathering at Söderköpings Brunn.

Also, I think that a mention of the "Sibylla-kök" fast food place could have worked out nicely. I can't remember what it's called, but we always used to stop there on the way up to, or down from, Stockholm, as it was almost half way of the journey.

Pedantic point...

Post 2


You are probably talking about 'Kockens'. I didn't find it very interessting because of it's similarities to other 'Sibylla-kök'...

Pedantic point...

Post 3


Fixed smiley - winkeye

Pedantic point...

Post 4

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

True, Fridday, it is very similar to every other Sibylla-kök in Sweden, but I thought it could at least be worth a mention. At least as an alternative to Söderköpings Brunn as a place to get a meal. smiley - burger Or maybe I just wanted to show that I'd been in Söderköping.smiley - smiley I dunno. Still a good atricle..

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