This is the Message Centre for prof. humely


Post 1


Welcome to the Guide!
My name is Niwt.
I am supposed to welcome you because I am an A.C.E. and a Guardian Angel. smiley - angel
I'm afraid I use capital "I"s. smiley - tongueout
If you want to know how to make smilies, go to this page
and you'll find a list of them all.
There are some really great ones, including smiley - strawberries and smiley - erm and smiley - devil and I think smiley - shark
Hope to see you around!
Niwt smiley - biggrin


Post 2

prof. humely

thanks.. everone has been so nice.


Post 3


Yes, everyone is. Most of the time it's a really friendly site.
Have some smiley - bubbly!

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