This is the Message Centre for Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)


Post 1

fyrelizard,alias "oops, shouldn't have eaten those jalepenos"

Anyone who is a fan of The Goodies AND Pratchett is alright in my book!


Post 2

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

smiley - biggrin great! unfortunatley only 6 episodes of the Goodies are on video! smiley - sadface


Post 3

fyrelizard,alias "oops, shouldn't have eaten those jalepenos"

Unfortunately, I am old enough to remember watching them on the first go round!!! smiley - biggrin My teenage years had some blessed good shows on the ol' Beeb. Wonder what happened...


Post 4

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

lucky you! what about Monty Python, or Faulty Towers?


Post 5

fyrelizard,alias "oops, shouldn't have eaten those jalepenos"

Ah, Monty Python, the ultimate in intelligence, wit and funny walks. smiley - weird Yes, that was one night a week that I didn't do ANYTHING except plonk myself down in front of the TV and tune in to Auntie Beeb. smiley - bigeyes When the film 'Search for the Holy Grail' came out, the bit at the end-when the policeman puts his hand up at the camera and it sort of breaks down? The WHOLE cinema audience sat there for at least three or four minutes waiting for it to come back on as on the old shows they would play the final themesong then come back on. I admit, I was one of the idiots sitting there watching the credits!! smiley - silly

I see that John Cleese is moving to America, permanently, as he says that the British as a race have lost their sense of humour. I don't think lost, but it certainly has changed. I live in america now, smiley - wah and the humour here has no subtlety about it at all. I basically refuse to watch much of the tv at all.


Post 6

fyrelizard,alias "oops, shouldn't have eaten those jalepenos"

Ah, Monty Python, the ultimate in intelligence, wit and funny walks. smiley - weird Yes, that was one night a week that I didn't do ANYTHING except plonk myself down in front of the TV and tune in to Auntie Beeb. smiley - bigeyes When the film 'Search for the Holy Grail' came out, the bit at the end-when the policeman puts his hand up at the camera and it sort of breaks down? The WHOLE cinema audience sat there for at least three or four minutes waiting for it to come back on as on the old shows they would play the final themesong then come back on. I admit, I was one of the idiots sitting there watching the credits!! smiley - silly

I see that John Cleese is moving to America, permanently, as he says that the British as a race have lost their sense of humour. I don't think lost, but it certainly has changed. I live in america now, smiley - wah and the humour here has no subtlety about it. I basically refuse to watch much of the tv at all.


Post 7

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

i certainly love classic comedy, even though i was only born in 86! in my book there's nothing better than warbling along to the Goodies or listening to the Goon show, my friends all think i'm a loony! smiley - biggrin


Post 8

fyrelizard,alias "oops, shouldn't have eaten those jalepenos"

Nah, just tell them you have CLASS. I was going to mention the Good show, but figured that was going back to ancient history. That was a show that I used to listen on the radio, under by bedclothes late at night so my parents didn't know I was still awake. Damn, you are making me feel old!!!


Post 9

fyrelizard,alias "oops, shouldn't have eaten those jalepenos"

GooN, N N N can't type for toffee... smiley - online2long


Post 10

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

smiley - biggrin sorry! smiley - biggrin at least though, you got to hear them as they were first broadcast, instead of, erk, almost 50 yrs later smiley - biggrinlistening to them for the first time on tape, and know that they're all dying off! smiley - sadface


Post 11

fyrelizard,alias "oops, shouldn't have eaten those jalepenos"

Don't tell me 50 years - I AIN'T that oldsmiley - steam!!! I used to listen to them on one of the pirate radio stations when I in my early teens, which would have been late late 60s. Which is only about 33 years ago, thank you very much. (Notices she has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.....)smiley - yikes

So, as we seem to have a conversation going, what do you do with your time? I think I said that I am in Florida. It is HOT and muggy and nasty this time of year. A good place to visit but not to live. Of course in the winter when everyone else is shovelling that white stuff (what do they call it???? snow??) smiley - silly we are all laughing our arses off! I like some things - the lizards, the little snakes my smiley - blackcat brings in and then releases (ever tried to pick an excited snake off a kitchen floor - hard to do without hurting the snake). All the birds, the egrets, herons, all the exotic birds you see in the zoos back home in England. In the winter I go sit in the woods and just listen. And if lucky see the odd possum or gator if I sit by one of the rivers.

And I am wiccan/pagan/witch,smiley - zoom whatever you want to call it. Don't lump me in with all that New Age rubbish you see in the stores. And no devil worship, animal sacrifices (am vegitarian!!) or the ilk...

So if you want to write now and then to a not-so-old lady (hey, I have two tattoos and a pierced nose, does that count for anything - my hubby always complains and tells me I am not 16, but I figure I know that,but what the hey??) I would like that.

Talk to you later.


Post 12

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

sorry about that smiley - flustered!
well, i spend a lot of my time at school smiley - groan (which isn't as bad as i make out! though i've too much coursework on the noo!)
where i live (i know it's on my homespacethingywingy but i'll just say it all again! smiley - biggrin) the weather never gets very hot smiley - sadface but it has been lovely and sunny this summer! i spend my evenings doing homework smiley - groan, playing my flute, and festering around here! also, 3 days a week for an hour and a 1/2 after school i babysitt (spare cash! smiley - cool). and on a thursday evening i go to a drama club which is great fun! i've been going there since i was 10 and have done 5 plays: in my first i was an evil granny, 2nd, a strange girl called Jelly! 3rd, a cabbage seller (though not just cabbage flavour!), 4th, part of an evil entity, and 5th a spy posing as a cleaner! smiley - biggrin
on the weekends i see my boyfriend smiley - loveblush, go cycling and walking in the Forest! i live very close to the New Forest (soon to become a national park!). in the summer holidays i generally go to Europe and cycle! (not counting england, i've cycled through Wales, Scotland, France, Spain (ug, the Pyreneese!), Belgium, Holland and Denmark) great fun!
well, i may think of some more amazing things to thrill you with later! ahem.
oh yes, i love Elmo and Hobbes! smiley - biggrin

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