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Must remember

Post 1


Not to go out the front in my dressing gown and clogs smiley - blush

Must remember

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - laugh

Must remember

Post 3

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

its only to the front,
it's not like you went to go shopping... smiley - erm
now that would be a case of forgetfulness smiley - winkeye
like when your in the shower and someone rings the door so you grab a towel and run down only to find its someone with a copy of watchtower or the postman because your neighbour isn't in and you've accedently flashed half the neighbourhood

Must remember

Post 4


Hello GB and smiley - doctor A smiley - biggrin

Out the front is not as bad as the scenerios you describe smiley - laugh

Although given the position of my loo it is as well to remember to have a closed door policy when using the bathroom if you have an open door policy to everyone else

And there was the time when I thought the kids weren't trying hard enough and flung open the bathroom door clutching a smiley - towel yelling 'for fecks sake it's open' for the third time to be greeted by a hesitant looking delivery guy hesitantly putting the parcel on the shoe pile smiley - groan

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