A Conversation for World's Most Beautiful Buildings

Salisbury Cathedral

Post 1


Salisbury Cathedral is possibly one of the most beautiful buildings of its kind in the world. Even as you circle the outskirts of New Sarum it commands the skyline with it's graceful yet imposing spire (highest point: 404 feet). The builders were obviously daring types of fellows because the whole thing rests on 4 feet of foundations, which in turn is sunk into the boggy Avon floodplain. Having left its future to chance, the cathedral has managed to survive extremely well thanks to the later addition of steel supports, and a recent and costly restoration project.
Constable's famous picture speaks for itself, I think you'll agree:

[URL removed by moderator]

Salisbury Cathedral

Post 2


Shame the URL was removed. Still, I'm sure you all know the picture I mean!

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Salisbury Cathedral

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