This is the Message Centre for bootiful_heffalump

Open all hours?

Post 21


smiley - biggrin I'll check the calendar, wish I could go, but I doubt the misus will let me out to play, it's not that long since I was last allowed out... smiley - erm 2007 I think it was smiley - biggrin

Open all hours?

Post 22


Morning smiley - smiley

Open all hours?

Post 23




Post 24


This post has been removed.

Open all hours?

Post 25


smiley - sadface NON?

Open all hours?

Post 26


Wow! posting removed because it wasn't in English! If you check my spelling and grammer, I'll be amazed if it was in French either smiley - biggrin

Open all hours?

Post 27


Wow!! How bizarre!

Open all hours?

Post 28


smiley - weird

Open all hours?

Post 29

Deeply Dippy

oooooooooh hello, just found out how to add people to my friends list

bbad luck allsmiley - biggrin

Open all hours?

Post 30


Hey Dippy!! You're doing better thanme!

Open all hours?

Post 31

Deeply Dippy

but been on here about a year now - so taken a little while

all details of contact msn etc on my details page or conversation

but no access to msn or hotmail during the day smiley - sadface

Open all hours?

Post 32


Allo DDsmiley - smiley

Open all hours?

Post 33

Deeply Dippy

hello CC

am tired and fed up how;s you?

Open all hours?

Post 34

Deeply Dippy

pretty much the same.
drive 3.5 hours home from work, open work mail, to find request to finish ( and start) a bid document preferably tonight.
so a tad annoyed. and no food in house as been away since 5am Monday morning

and cold and tired and peevedsmiley - wah

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