This is the Message Centre for bootiful_heffalump

Open all hours?

Post 1


Hello smiley - biggrin
I'm new(ish) to h2g2, unlike the food MB is it open all hours? Is there a 3 minute rule? Is it less likely that trolls will follow us here?

Open all hours?

Post 2



Yes, it would appear we can post on here whenever!!!

I think it's still moderated (but quite loosely) and I also think it's harder for people to find conversations unless they're specifically looking for you so I'd say yes, less likely to encounter trolls. Which is always good news! smiley - smiley

For some reason that I'm not quite sure why, we're also allowed to post more personal details on here such as email etc although you do have to remember that anyone can read them still if they land on your page!!!

Mind you, I'm of the opinion that we're all adults and if you get an email you don't like, you just delete it- not really rocket science is it?!

I always feel a lot freer to post slightly naughtier stuff on h2g2 as well!! smiley - devil Tee hee

Open all hours?

Post 3


I do like the fact that we can post here when ever. During the week I leave for work before the MB opens and by the time it does, I'm up to my eyeballs in work. As for the weekend, I'm up at 0630 thanks to the boy and 10am seems a long way off

Open all hours?

Post 4


Ah yes...little ones have a schedule all their own!!

I keep quite strange hours at the moment as well because I sometimes suffer from mild insomnia!! I was awake and on the internet at 3am this morning!!!

Open all hours?

Post 5


smiley - yikes 3am, Crikey!
My wife go up to go to work at 3 this morning! She set her mobile phone alarm for some reason and the room was full of noise and flashing light for a moment smiley - bluelightsmiley - yikessmiley - disco not a restful start to the day smiley - cross

oh-oh smiley overload smiley - online2long

Open all hours?

Post 6


You can never have too many smileys on h2g2!!!

smiley - disco is my particular favourite!

Open all hours?

Post 7


smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco
smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discoare you sure?smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco
smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco

Open all hours?

Post 8


smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Absobloodylutely I'm sure!!!!!

I feel righ at home under the disco lights!

Open all hours?

Post 9


So, what gets you stampeding towards the dance floor? (sorry if the stampede harks back to your original username smiley - biggrin)

Open all hours?

Post 10


Oh goodness!! Loads of things! I have quite an ecclectic taste in music.

I'm an exdancer so I'm normally on the dancefloor straight away anyway!!!

How about you?

Open all hours?

Post 11


I'm part of the masses who would love to get up and dance but should realy have some lessons before taking someones eye out on the dance floor. A skin-full usually gets me dancing. At Uni, it used to be stuff like RUN DMC and Aerosmith's Walk this way or smiley - blush Don't Stop Movin' by, well you know who it's by, ashamed to say I like one of their songs, but you can't help but hit the dance floor when it comes on. I like rock music but that's hardly the music for dancing to - air guitar or air drums are a no-no.

Open all hours?

Post 12


smiley - laugh I happen to think Don't Stop Moving is a fantastic song!

I danced at college to Walk this way..long time ago now! Another good song!

I believe there is a time and a place for air guitar and drums! I've been known to play both when out and I think as long as it's a little tongue in cheek, it's all good

Open all hours?

Post 13


I'm a drummer, so would probably get carried away smiley - biggrin
Do you think dancing at a club is something you can learn or are best just diving into - I always assume I look a prat. In fact once at Uni, a girl came upto me after a song and said "great dancer!" I was bemused and chuffed. Then the next day, when the hangover had cleared, I thought: For her to come over especially and say that to me, I would have had to be really good or smiley - doh REALLY BAD. I think I know what is more likely smiley - biggrin

Open all hours?

Post 14


Well..I learnt it!

I was a trained ballet dancer when I first started going out so my body didn't know what to do with itself!

Now I have to say I don't think about what I'm doing and I feel totally confident doing whatever...I imagine I must look crazy sometimes/most of the time too but I think the trick is *not* to be self conscious and just go for it! The only thing I'd advise against is any attempt at "sexy" dancing because you just can't fake sexy! And obviously, if you can't do the splits/irish dance/kick your leg above your head when you're sober...don't attempt it when you're drunk just because you suddenly think you're Patrick Swayze!

Open all hours?

Post 15


Even if I could, there's no place for that kind of showing off in a club, it's bad enough during an X-factor audition! Am tempted to go to brum just for a dance lesson smiley - laugh but I doubt I can make it.

Open all hours?

Post 16


You should come!

I'll give you a lesson in return for 2 drinks!!!

Open all hours?

Post 17


smiley - laughsmiley - laugh There speeks a student, surely! It used to be just one drink in my day... Inflation! smiley - biggrin

Open all hours?

Post 18


Not a student- a retired student in need of cash while I try to find a job!

Anyway, I'm a semi-professional so I charge more expensive rates! For an hour's workshop you can earn up to £50/100 an hour so you're getting it ridiculously cheap!!!

Open all hours?

Post 19


Okay okay! Sold! smiley - laugh

Open all hours?

Post 20


Excellent! Bring your dancing shoes!

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