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How's your week?

Post 1


Hello Emily

Just checking to see how you've been as you've been quiet? Hope your week at school has gone well.

How was the driving lesson this week? How's the dissertation going? smiley - choc

I'm back to full fitness after the last dance night (shame it's not more often really). Still I have practiced a couple of the steps since so that's something. Oh to get back to being fit again.

Hope Rob is alright. Anything nice planned this weekend?

Keep in touch


How's your week?

Post 2


Hello! I'm so sorry, I realised I hadn't got back to you!

Things are ok. School has been busy but lots of fun and the teacher I was working with said how lovely it had been to have me in the classroom and I was much more helpful than all the other students she'd had in!!!

I'm on a bit of a downer today- I'm way over my overdraft and I have NO money whatsoever. Robb can't lend me any because he's lost his bank card. And I have a ball to go to tonight. All very well but I won't have a penny to buy any drinks!

I absolutely hate being a student as I have to constantly ask my Mum for money which is no way to live. The thing that annoys me most is that in teh summer holidays when I work , I can fully support myself financially and don't have to ask Mum for anything. Even she's running out of money because she's had to stop working due to exhaustion.

And to make things worse, I can't work this summer because I'll be in the cast and no workplace would have me for health and safety by the time I'm out of the cast, summer's nearly over and nowhere will want me just for a few weeks.

So it looks like I'm going to have to stop my driving lessons because I can't afford to pay £80 a week for them. Which makes me feel like the last few months have been a waste of time.

Sorry to rant, you just caught me at a bad time. smiley - sadface

I'm really hope you can get into the dancing. I'm a great believer that it does wonders not only for your body but your self esteem and wellbeing too!

How's your week?

Post 3


Oh dear BH. smiley - cheerup

How has the weekend been for you? I hope that you managed to enjoy your ball despite the financial situation.

I certainly know how you feel about the finances. My ex used to hate it when I couldn't afford to do things (may of had with me spending £80 a month going to see him in Cheshire and his not coming back down here). He's recently tried to play mind games since splitting up (in January) as he's often muttered you'd never used to do that when we were together due to the money (i.e. my dance nights) but that's due to my saving £80 on train fairs smiley - yikes. I hope that Robb's managed to find his bank card! (Men!)

You won't be a student forever therefore you will be able to afford to do more things soon, so don't worry about being penniless (I would've helped you if you were closer even if it was just £10!)

Glad you are getting on well at the school, that is something good to come out of last week! Fully paid work will come along soon but best get your health sorted out (hopefully Robb will take care of you while you're in cast)

Well I'd best get some work done. I'll send you a message latter in the week (I'm very good at the listening thing with smiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - choc & then smiley - alesmiley - bubbly when things are better btw)

Tracey x

How's your week?

Post 4


Thanks for being so supportive! Mum's given me some money but I still know I'm never going to be able to pay all my bills and 2 more letters have come through today from separate credit cards!!!

It just drives me mad!

The ball was loads of fun, as was the engagement party. If you give me your email address I can send you some pictures if you'd like??? I have a lovely romantic one of me n Robb having a snog! smiley - winkeye Well, a drunken snog but I'm not complaining!!!!

We did find the bank card- it had fallen into a handbag I only use at the weekends and we hadn't realised. But all turned out ok because Robb gave me some money to go out with.

I spent all of yesterday in bed because I felt so hungover!!!!!! smiley - sadface

Oh well, you're only at Uni once!!!

How's your week?

Post 5


Glad that things turned out alright for the weekend! It would be lovely to see what you looked like for the parties. My email is [email protected].

I agree you only get to go to uni once so enjoy it while you can (even if it does mean being penniless but that can be rectified once you finish). I wish that I'd gone to uni but may do a degree later on in life (still think that I'm 21ish when in reality I'm 34!)

I had a posh do a couple of years ago but I got rid of the dress as soon as I'd worn it as I hated it (my idea of my wedding outfit would be jeans and t shirt! smiley - laugh). It didn't help with OH (now X) having had the invite for 2 months and then telling me with 1 week to go that it was a black tie event smiley - yikes

Hope your day improves. smiley - hug


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