This is the Message Centre for bootiful_heffalump

Hello BH

Post 1


It's me Tracey!

Are you still in Pre Mod or have you managed to escape yet?

Hope you are alright.

Hello BH

Post 2


I'm still being mod'd and as yet no word from Wilco as to why or if I'm ever going to be released!!!

I think the Free Heffalump campaign needs to be re-started!!!

Emily xx

Hello BH

Post 3


Obviously my Wonderwoman outfit didn't work (Wilco's obviously caught sight of my legssmiley - biggrin

How are things anyway? Hope the driving lesson went ok this morning smiley - run (Me getting off the pavement quickly)

Hello BH

Post 4


Actually, it went really well! Hopefully I should be taking my test in the next month.

I drove really well today. On the agenda were turns in the road (3point turns!) and reversing round a corner! The turn was ok but reversing is my achilles heel!!!

All the rest of it was fine- my instructor was really pleased!!!

I met a friend to work on a presentation at 12 which we've managed to just about finish smiley - ok and then she dragged me off for lunch. Grilled goats chesse atop roasted med veg and a balsamic dressing; a side of matchstick chips to share; raspberry crepe and a lovely chilled glass of rose!!!

After that we used our bargaining skills to book a table at La Tasca for her birthday this weekend and tried to wangle some drinks discounts!! Then we were struck by a sudden desire to buy filofaxes so off we went!!!! My mate works at WHSmiths so we went and abused her discount!!

Jolly good day all round!

How about you????

Emily xx


Hello BH

Post 5


Sorry I didn't reply yesterday (boss was lurkingsmiley - sadface)

Been working hard past couple of days (well at least it keeps me out of mischief!)

You will be just fine with your lessons (I took 5 attempts to pass which is a dim and distant 15 years ago now)

The weekend was quiet but have signed myself up for a three dance nights (two to learn salsa and merengue (can vaguely remember that one from Dirty Dancing) and one in middle of June to learn how to jitterbug and jive) I must have had a mad moment but as now bought tickets so no getting out of it!smiley - biggrin

Only stress was my x giving me grief for which he soon got told what to do with his mobile phone smiley - biggrin. FUnnily enough I've not heard from him since so hopefully it's worked smiley - cheers

So has the filofax been written in now with all useful things?

Hopefully chat later (while playing dodge the boss smiley - winkeye)

Hello BH

Post 6



Yes, the filofax is looking nice and busy!!! Am hoping it'll make me look extra-efficent when I go back into school on Tues.

Major stress is starting right now as my 7000-9000 word dissertation is due in on the 18th and I haven't started doing it yet, not even the research! As of next week I'll be tryin to write it in the evenings after a hard day at school. smiley - sadface

I've also pulled a muscle in my back so right now the last thing I want to be doing is sitting at the desk trying to work on it.

You'll love the dance lessons. Do you know I'm a dancer? Well, used to be before I did most of my body in! I'm having an op on one of my ankles in June so I really want to get back on my dancing feet as soon as long as the other leg holds out!!

When I go into school, as well as working as a TA, I'm going to be leading a lot of the PE lessons as dance classses. I've already done it with some of the girls. We did a jive to Gnarls Barkley's Smiley Faces which they really enjoyed so maybe I'll do a bit of latin with them?

Hello BH

Post 7


As the boss is out for the afternoon and his sidekick isn't lurking I can now reply to you (how inconsiderate of them to get in the way of my postingsmiley - biggrin).

I seem to remember now you saying something about being a dancer. I used to do tap and modern until 20 years ago when I gave up due to exams at school. I've always been interested and did start to do salsa a couple of years ago (until X got in the way) so now that I'm getting my life back and these 3 nights are being advertised I thought that I'd do them for something different. My neice has just started to do ballet (she's only 3) and seems to be enjoying it (been getting the full demonstrations and even her little brother attempts to join in!).

How's the dissertation going or is that a touchy subject? smiley - choc to help you through it!

Has the OH forgiven you yet over his dinner? If it's any consolation I can't do eggs either! I half agree with your mate about wanting to be proposed to properly, I think that's one of the few traditional things that I'd want! (Then again perhaps that's the old romantic in me too! (OK where's the sick bucket!))

Chat soon


Hello BH

Post 8


aaaaarghhhhhh Dissertation! smiley - wah It's still not happening.

I'm tryin to get another essay written today then I can give my diss. my full attention. Well, until Tues when I'm back in school.
I do wonder why I make life so hard for myself sometimes!!!!smiley - erm

I'm actually looking forward to my operation now because at least then I won't be physically able to rush around doin things and will be forced to take a break!!! I'm thinking about going up to see Lucy, just to check this man of hers is up to scratch!!! smiley - winkeye

Dancing is such a fantastic things for children to do...maybe when your nephew gets a bit older he'll be able to do it too? They need more men in the dance world!!!

Robb has now gone quiet and is engrossed in 'Deep Impact'! Every now and then, he has to watch a big disaster movie. Dunno how he does it- they all seem the same to me! Poor love's head is still pretty painful. I'm not surprised he has a stress-induced migraine, he's been working so hard and I know he's really worried about gettin a new car.

Hello BH

Post 9


Hello Emily

Hope you had a good weekend.

How's the first day school gone? Hope it's gone well. The bonus about today is that although it feels like a Monday, it isn't!

The dance night on Friday went well. Did the merengue, mambo and cha-cha. Saturday showed that I was well out of practice, still I've got another 3 weeks to recover before the next one (as the next couple of dance nights have already sold out hopefully they will become more frequent with proper classes). Still at least I have fulfilled my 2nd resolution this year by doing some sort of exercise. Dance I think is easy for me as I actually forget that I'm doing exercise!

Is Robb talking to you yet after you ruined his dinner? I had to admitt I did think of you as I had scrambled eggs the other day! smiley - biggrin

Dare I ask how the Diss is going? smiley - chocsmiley - cake to help you though just think of the smiley - bubblysmiley - ale once you've finished it!

Chat soon.

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