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Good Morning BH

Post 21

Devonian Fossil

Hi BH, managed to create my own H2G2 page, goodness knows how. Miss you on the chatterbox, hope Wilco can help.

Hungover today, so is everyone else by the sound of it. Still, must go to lunch in a bit so may have some of the hairy dog smiley - cheerssmiley - cheers

Good Morning BH

Post 22


Hey hey,

Wilco has replied and said he'll check it out but until then I'm still trapped. Lesley, Tish, Scott and Sharron have been emailing me so and I'm still reading CB but the last few posts that are in pre-mod aren't me so there must be a newbie!!!!!!

Very stressful day here in heffalump house. Boyf is gettin very wound up because our old car maureen is about to die and we can't afford a new one!!! Not good.

Missing you all but will hopefully be back soon!!!!

Good Morning BH

Post 23

Devonian Fossil

Okay mate, hope you are feeling OK, glad your meeting with the counsellor went well.

Have a good weekend and try not to stress about the car. smiley - hugsmiley - cool

Good Morning BH

Post 24


It's our 2 year anniversary tommorow so hopefuly we'll do something nice. I walked through town yesterday and saw the European market was there so I've asked boyf if we can go there as my anniversary treat!!!

Lots of nice foodie stands with samples and things to buy. I've got my eye on some delicious cider I bought from there last year and want to stock up!!!!!!!!!!

Robb's also having a stressful day at work and has just rung to say he'll be home me time to do the washing up I told him I'd do first thing in the morning......but I don't think either of us is feeling particularly romantic so doubt we'll do anything that special!

Good Morning BH

Post 25

Devonian Fossil

Ooh go for the cider - love cider but it doesn't love me LOL smiley - cheers

Even if you're not both feeling romantic, its nice to have a cuddle to cheer yourselves up. smiley - smooch

Mine and OH's fourth a couple of weeks ago and I haven't killed him yet smiley - winkeye

Have a good one mate, hopefully you'll be up and running again next week. smiley - cheerup

Good Morning BH

Post 26


You too!!! Will report back if I manage to drag him away from the football to the market and let you know what we got!

Take care,
Emily x

Good Morning BH

Post 27


Take care as well,
Hope you have a nice anniversary tomorrow.smiley - magic

Good Morning BH

Post 28



I'm looking forward to it actually!!! I'l let you all know on Sunday how it went and you can let the other CB peeps know!!!!!

Em xx

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