This is the Message Centre for French Munky
welcome Some Guy Named Victoria...
Crystal Butterfly Started conversation Jul 1, 2001
Hello and welcome to h2g2.
My name is Crystal Butterfly and I am one of the ACEs.
If you have any questions at all about the site, just click reply and I will return to answer.
I hope you enjoy your time on h2g2
Happy hitchhiking!
Crystal Butterfly cb
~ever hopeful of a butterfly smiley~
French Munky Posted Jul 2, 2001
how exactly do you do those smileys?
vicky, too lazy to figure it out on his own
HappyDude Posted Jul 3, 2001
you realy named victoria or are you just trying to steal my thunder ..?
(re: smiley's try )
welcome Some Guy Named Victoria...
Crystal Butterfly Posted Jul 3, 2001
*waves to HappyDude*
The smileys I made by typing:
< tennisball > {without the spaces} =
< hug > =
< cool > =
< magic > =
< ok > =
Happy to be of assistance!
welcome Some Guy Named Victoria...
French Munky Posted Jul 4, 2001
no no, dont worry, your thunder is still in tact. im really named Vicky, i may not dress like a girl as you do but i am named as one. tis a sad life.
and thanks for all the help on the smiley thing you two.
welcome Some Guy Named Victoria...
HappyDude Posted Jul 4, 2001
*waves back to Crystal Butterfly*
Glad to be of assistance - (and I thought Rodrick was unfortunate )
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welcome Some Guy Named Victoria...
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