This is the Message Centre for The Stinky Cheese Man

G'day ...

Post 1

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

Cliched, I know ... but I felt it had to be done. Sorry!

Welcome to this THE Guide. I am an ACE (Assistant Community Editor) and in such a capacity, it is my and my fellow ACEs (who can be found here job to meet and greet newbies such as yourself.

Generally helpful (and some say misguided) group that we are, we are here to help you through your days as a researcher. Obviously the more you use the guide the less help you'll need but we're here all the same.

Before I get onto the really exciting stuff, please help yourself to smiley - cake and smiley - bubbly ... nothing worse than the sound of grumbling stomachs when you're trying to say stuff!

In case you haven't already, the best place to start is here --> as it gives you a good low down on what this is all about.

The rest is all trial and error and see-what-happens-under-this-rock. Barge in on conversations, help peer-review an entry ( or submit your own entries. The main point is to enjoy and make of it what you will.

As I said before, if you get lost, want to get lost, can't find your plectrum or have forgotten how to finger C#, raise a paw and someone'll come running. You can either reply to this, leave a message on my homepage, find another ACE or go to "Help!" at the top of the screen - all of these particular roads lead to Rome, as it were, some more round about than others!

Sit back, relax and enjoy and we'll be seeing you around ...


Well thankyee!

Post 2

The Stinky Cheese Man

Thanks for the welcome, I'll be sure to hassle you should I get utterly lost in this maze of all sorts of gubbins!


Well thankyee!

Post 3

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

Gubbins is as gubbins does ... whatever that may mean ...

smiley - yikes

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