This is the Message Centre for minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

London Calling

Post 1

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

To go, or not to go, that is my question. I *want* to go, I can probably afford it, but its the prospect of getting there, getting around while i am there and getting back. Its all a little scary, the person that was *maybe* going to come with me, I am not currently talking to, so unless I can find someone to take me under their wing traveling wise, Im afraid that I may chicken out of what would be a very big adventure.

In other news, My parents are going to Hawaii in October, apparently its high time they had a Honeymoon (well hey have waited 17 years) and they want to get away from me and my sisters (even though my older sister and I have flown the nest ( ok I go back intermittently)) So I get to look after younger sister (who will be 16) for a few days.

My iPod and the Shiny (yet to be named) have now made friends, and I am listening to Stephen Fry Podgrams as I type. Unfortunatly my hearing has gone all stupid and muffly (both ears at oncesmiley - grr) so anything I am listening has o be at a much higher volume than normal. As such I am a daner to myself and others if I am out and about. Had to get Dave to bring me back here earlier as I didnt feel at all safe walking home on my own, at least one out of sight and hearing is required to cross roads, currently I am severely lacking in both. Its ok though because I cant go out anyway as I have gone and left my keys at my parents house smiley - doh so they shall hopefully be arrivng very soon!

My mum was pestering me while I was home about my birthday (I turn 21 in June) 'what do you want' I honestly dont *need* anything, but I left her a wee list of a few things that I would *like* and iseas of the prices, so maybe she will get a hint from there.

Anyway enough for now.

minismiley - mouse

London Calling

Post 2

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

You could've said airfare to California, and seen how she would've respondedsmiley - winkeye

Why not post to the London Meet page, and see about travelling companions?

London Calling

Post 3

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

Because that requires being sensible, and having anyone thats within a non scary tavelling distance from me who is going (don't think there are any)smiley - sadface

My mum *did* ask if I wanted a holiday fir my birthday, but then took the offer back saying "but me and dad dont have the money for our holiday, let alone anybody elses" smiley - sadface

minismiley - mouse

London Calling

Post 4

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

I seesmiley - hug

London Calling

Post 5

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'm sure if you can get yoruself to the train, or bus, at your end, and find out the arrival time/destination, we can find an internet weirdo to meet up with you at the train/bus station and escort your to the err wherever it is we're going smiley - biggrin Though you'd probably want ccomidation for the night somewhere, I think there were a few offers of rooms for free being bandied about somewhere ... which reminds me, I must* get the page updated and such like, I've not yet 'found my feet' since my longer than anticipated break smiley - dohsmiley - run

London Calling

Post 6

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

more ranting on the whole London thing here

minismiley - mouse

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