This is the Message Centre for minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

let it snow!

Post 1

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

it is four thirty am on a sunday morning, i havent been to sleep yet and it is snowing outside. Life is good!

it is beginning to feel rather christmassy. I need to start buying the neccesary stuff for the family smiley - wahsmiley - 2cents i have rough ideas of what to get for everyone, it will just be interesting doing it all without going too far into my overdraft.

I decided that going to Edinburgh can wait untill the beginning of December, i was too tierd on friday morning to make it to uni, never mind edinburgh.

minismiley - mouse

let it snow!

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

You need to sleep more! all this staying up way way late can't go on every single* night smiley - evilgrin
Ooo yeh, its certainly beginning to feel a bit Christmasy to me too, though we've not had any snow down here yet its getting pretty damn cold outside smiley - brr And inside come to think of it smiley - brrsmiley - doh
I'm not sure what I'm buying people this year, I only really buy for my Dad my Brother and my Dads Girlfriend/partner smiley - stiffdrink
I may* have bought my Brother something already,,... As its possible* I may* have just bought two Ipods this evening, one of which is for me... But I don't relaly need a spare one smiley - blushsmiley - laugh and I've a guitar tuner I bought a few weeks back, that I've used once, I don't think I get on with it very well, and I know my Brother could do with a tuner, so I may give that too him too if I decide its not really soemthing I'd use... I've the origional box and its hardly been used more than to just test it works smiley - ufo
Might try and get my Dad soemthign differnt this year, I know he loves cheese so I might try and find a gift pack of cheeses, maybe with a board and hcheese knife, and with some really good cheeses in it smiley - ale
Not sure about Dads parnter though, I don't really ever know what women want smiley - blushsmiley - angelsmiley - biggrin
I think we may well end up with some dnow down here in teh next few days if it stays this cold smiley - brr I hope it doesn't lay too* thick or I end up finding it really difficult to walk up the raod, as my cane can't easily then find the edge of the curbs smiley - dohsmiley - brr I really oughta go to bed its quite late you know smiley - biggrinsmiley - zzz

let it snow!

Post 3

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

im nocturnual and its the weekend. so phoey to needing sleep.

I have parents and two sisters to buy for, and my dad has to ba awkward and have his birthday the week before christmas, so i need two presents for him smiley - 2centssmiley - wah

I *still havent used my cane since i moved to dundee smiley - yikes i am very naughty like that. Although i am interested how it would work in the snow, i 8might have to try that in the morning. . .

i should probably go to bed too, but im not gonna because i have to get up for church soon anyway.

minismiley - mouse

let it snow!

Post 4


Ma cheire,

and I wrote to you on your other thread at the same time as you started this onel I am now going to bed again - so will not be able to chat right now. I hope that the cane works in the snow. It should be an interesting experiement.

Lucky you with the snow; The temperature was 30 degrees whennI got up. I do not think we everhave snow here.

With much affection

Christiane AR80

let it snow!

Post 5


Dear 2legs,

I have missed you. Have you abandoned me? I sincerely hope not. I am going to have a lovely day today so am off to catchup on some sleep.

enjoy yours, and the cheese boards sounds a lovely present.

Go well


let it snow!

Post 6

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

the snow is beautiful, and now i am going to walk to church in it, the reflected light from it is rather dazzling and because it is all a uniform colour it makes finding kerb edges difficult, If 2legs is to be beleived them my caane wont be much help, but i think it may be nessesary. In fact, the snow is so very bright i might need to wear my sunglasses too smiley - yikes so i will put my hat, scarf and gloves back on, and my jacket and wellies. It is beautiful, so i might trry taking some more pictures of it.

minismiley - mouse

let it snow!

Post 7

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

its all melted here
smiley - bleeping rain

let it snow!

Post 8

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

aww, that is a shame. it will make getting around today rather interesting if it sticks around though, well for me anyway.

minismiley - mouse

let it snow!

Post 9

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

gah i look rediculouse, but i am warm so i dont care! How long do you reckon it will take me to walk the 2and 1/2 miles in the snow? it only takes 30mins when the weather is normal. hmmm, i shall leave at quarter parst, which gives me 45 mins to get there. I have my sunglasses and white cane in my bag, i will decide whether or not i neeed them once i get out there.

minismiley - mouse

let it snow!

Post 10


It's a winter wonderland today, yippee!

Kids have been out since ten to nine this morning. They've built a snow girl and now they're playing snowball fights.

On the minus side, the hall and kitchen floors resemble swimming pools...smiley - laugh

let it snow!

Post 11

psychocandy-moderation team leader

We haven't had any snow here yet, sadly.

I hope you manage OK in the snow, minismiley - mouse.

let it snow!

Post 12

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

i survived, although i nearly fell on my behind more than once ont the slippery slushy stuff. I am refraining from having snowball fights as people who dont know me well tend to be a bit too rough and hit me in the face etc not letting me have much of a chance.

my 5.30am walk was timed perfectly as the snow was t its best and unspoilt at that time. I am glad that i chose to go out for a little walk.

minismiley - mouse

let it snow!

Post 13


Tres chere Mini

What a lovely story of your wonderful walk. I think you are wonderful to walk two miles in the snow. Great Bien fait.

with much affection

Christiane AR80

let it snow!

Post 14

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

yech, lack of sleep, but i feel better after a walk in the cool winters air smiley - brr

let it snow!

Post 15

Mister Matty

We didn't get any snow here in the end. Bit of rain was all. smiley - sadface

let it snow!

Post 16

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

appareantly it affected the north of england an scotland, the midlands caught the tail end of it

let it snow!

Post 17

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

i will put my pictures up soon and a link for those who are interested.

minismiley - mouse

let it snow!

Post 18


thank you so much my dear friend.

I shall enjoy it.


let it snow!

Post 19

Mister Matty

One of my flickr contacts has posted a photo showing snow in Glasgow at 1.30am this morning, so we must have got some shortly before the rain got rid of it all.

let it snow!

Post 20

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

We had a mix of hail and rain, no snow.

smiley - cheers

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