This is the Message Centre for plato <surfer>

Good Smiley Ideas!

Post 1

plato <surfer>

Grass smiley= ^^^^^^^ Use it as a line break or feed it to...
Cow smiley= ",-, Or something...
penguin smiley= Everyone loves Penguins!...
frog smiley= Nuff Said...
More flowers= --< roses just aren't enough! ...
Empty Glasses= For Menza to Polish!...
Soda cans= [] oj can't be the only un-alcoholic beverage!...
Water= Everybody needs water!...
Dolphin= Who said "So Long and Thanks for all the Fish"?
Oh, and a smiley for Gedge...

Anyone else have some good ideas?

Good Smiley Ideas!

Post 2

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

A smiley is definitely called for. And I wouldn't mind seeing a smiley either. And if we can get a smiley, well that would have just so many applications. smiley - winkeye


Good Smiley Ideas!

Post 3

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

How about a 'Ri-Ches' smiley? For all those times when you simply MUST express your love of something!

Good Smiley Ideas!

Post 4

plato <surfer>

smiley - huhRi-Ches? can you explain please...smiley - erm

Good Smiley Ideas!

Post 5

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

"Ri-Ches!" is a variation of "richous" (is that spelt right?). It's basically how you express your feelings for something Absolutely Fabulous (or AbFab)! Geddit?

Good Smiley Ideas!

Post 6

plato <surfer>

Oh! Righteous! ok...smiley - winkeye there's always smiley - ok...

Good Smiley Ideas!

Post 7

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

No... It needs to be more...

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