A Conversation for Give Us Tea!

Ah, the joys of such a drink...

Post 1

Nema Fakei

Excellent. I am a great lover of tea (simple tea, strong, no milk or sugar contaminating it, possibly some lemon), and I feel I must congratulate you on your efforts.

Ah, the joys of such a drink...

Post 2


Thank you! (Raises smiley - tea mug in greeting) smiley - smiley

Ah, the joys of such a drink...

Post 3

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

I love tea I somtimes think I'm worse that Arther Dent but that would be too much!, do we have a Gargle Blaster Picture?

-- DoctorMO --

Ah, the joys of such a drink...

Post 4


Not yet, although I know it's one of the new smileys that have been discussed. For now, we just have to settle for a smiley - stiffdrink...

Ah, the joys of such a drink...

Post 5

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

What's that, Ormy? A mar-tea-ni?

Ah, the joys of such a drink...

Post 6

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)


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