A Conversation for UPS


Post 1

Zach Garland

I'm doing this because the H2G2 froods are asking us too, but I still think my opinion don't mean squat compared to what they could or should say about people's stuff if they only had the time.

Predominantly it's a great idea, but the longwinded type in me thinks it's too brief. Perhaps a couple examples from personal experience. Did you have a cat named fluffy that is no more? Were you sent something that looked like a box when it left but by the time you received it, it looked like the remains of Oklahoma City after the recent tornadoes? What happened?

Don't get TOO longwinded of course. Just flesh it out a bit. You have a great idea. It just needs a bit more meat. =)

review too

Post 2

the potter

I am inclined to agree a bit with Zachsmind about the length. Also I'm not sure it's fair to single out one company unless you have real reason. I work for Royal Mail, and I'm sure that my contract doesn't allow me to talk about, or criticise the way packets are handled. Actually I think we are pretty careful, as long as people don't write patronising things like "please Mr Postman, this parcel is special, please deliver promtly and with care" in which case they are asking for it really. If you have received any parcels very late, or damaged, please note that Royal Mail no longer handles parcels at all - so look to Parcelforce. Or of course UPS.


Post 3

Trillian (36272)

thank you both for your advice, i did in fact add a bit (before i saw your comments) before i submitted it. i recently recieved a package from UPS which, amazingly, was undamaged...but that's because the company who sent it too me put more packing peanuts in it than the actual computer game i bought weighed. anyway, thanks again, any more comments or suggestions would be welcome, and i'll try to return the favor
trillian (36272)


Post 4

Zach Garland

I solve any potential problems I might have with UPS by never ordering anything via mail. Due to this I have a lovely relationship with UPS, Federal Express and even the Postal Service. i.e., I have no relationship at all with them. It really is quite wonderful.


Post 5

Trillian (36272)

i would imagine, but unfortunatley, i could not get the set of star wars legos any other way (but by the time that i acctually got them, i could have bought the same set in stores for less!), but oh well, i try to avoid them whenever possible, and that seems to suit them just fine, so i guess i'm not too bad off...


Post 6

Zach Garland

The reason you gave is one reason why I don't mess with mail order. If I can't get something at the local Target or Best Buy RIGHT NOW, I just wait.

And anything on television that claims to be "not sold in stores" I just naturally assume isn't worth getting, otherwise it WOULD be sold in stores.

So Trillian, have you joined http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/h2g2 yet?

review too

Post 7


That's not entirely true. When I send photos in my letters I always write "Please handle with care on them" and so far none of them arrived in pieces!

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