A Conversation for H

A578766 - Handedness

Post 61

David Conway

Interesting, Sea Change,

I used to do Tech Support for a lesbian chorus. (BTW, I'm male... It's a longish story.) There might have been a slightly larger than 1 in 10 incidence of left-handedness there. It was regarded as "common knowledge" that a higher percentage of gay men were lefthanded.

May I ask which chorus, and when? Might I have seen you perform at GALA in San Jose last year? I was affiliated with the Denver Women's Chorus.

A578766 - Handedness

Post 62


Oh bother I'd like to go there smiley - grr
Does anyone think this might be better in the writing workshop?
I use a mouse with my left hand but I don't find it difficult even though it's shaped to fit a right hand. At school I just have to change the side the mouse is on which is a nuisance but not too bad but in primary school the mouses couldn't be moved from the right hand side so I never could do it properly smiley - sadface

Thread Moved

Post 63

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review' to 'Handedness'.

This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review Forum because your entry has now been recommended for the Edited Guide.

You can find out what will happen to your entry here: http://www.h2g2.com/SubEditors-Process



Post 64

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Yay! We've decided that this entry is so good that it's got to become part of the edited guide.smiley - ok It might be a few weeks (or longer) before it's 'processed', but it'll be up on the front page when it is. smiley - star


Post 65


smiley - wowThank you!
Now I've got a lot of changes to make! smiley - yikes

Thread Moved

Post 66

David Conway

Congrats, Niwt!

A578766 - Handedness

Post 67

Sea Change

If you've got a Mac, yer stuck, but if you have a Windows machine, virtually everything that needs to be done, for most well-shaped applications, can be done with a keystroke or combination of keystrokes. Once you have them memorized, you will never NEED to use a mouse again!

smiley - vampire

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