This is the Message Centre for Nema Fakei

Welcome to h2g2

Post 1

King Rikk (ACE)

Hi Nema Fakei!

I'm King Rikk and my job here at h2g2 is to help out with greeting new members here. The people who help to do this are called ACEs and our site is at

There are a few places to check out here on h2g2 for your first time around. There is the guide and welcome for new users at which is worth a look to help you see what's going on. If you get into any problems click the Help! button at the top of this page or visit (what else!)

The easiest way to navigate around the site is by the buttons at the top of the screen if you are using the Alabaster skin (the green and orange one) or down the side if you are using Classic Goo (the blue one).

To change your skin just click preferences and choose from the drop-down list.

If one of your articles is ever removed due to the h2g2 moderation process visit to query why.

Most of all h2g2 is a great place to be - get as involved as much or as little as you like! (but more is better!)

If you have any problems on h2g2 don't hesitate to drop me a line on my personal space at or speak to the Gurus at

King Rikk

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