A Conversation for S Club 7 (the pop group)

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A21504692 - S Club 7 (the pop group)

Post 1


Entry: S Club 7 (the pop group) - A21504692
Author: watchaharry - U857746

A start, at least, to a nostalgic entry for nineties kids like me <SMILEY>

Ideas of course welcome, and anyone who wants to collaborate (not sure how it works), is welcome!

A21504692 - S Club 7 (the pop group)

Post 2


How abouts some 'Where are they now' sections on each of the members? Rachel Stevens went on to have a semi-successful career as a solo artist, while many others did well in production and pantomime from memory.

I can't stand them myself, so can't really offer anything else smiley - winkeye

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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A21504692 - S Club 7 (the pop group)

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