This is the Message Centre for Journeyman

Welcome journeyman!!

Post 1

Researcher 178815

Hi Journeyman!
Welcome to h2g2!
My name is aka and i'm an ACE! (Or Assistant Community Editor)
and it's my job to welcome new users, like yourself, to our wonderful site we call The Guide!

The Guide is written for people like you, by people like you!
Go ahead, jump right in!

Or you might like a little advice tips and getting to know the site first..
(That's a Help page i've written for new users or "Newbies" like you!)

Once again Journeyman, Welcome to and enjoy, h2g2.

smiley - cool aka smiley - cool

Welcome journeyman!!

Post 2


Why, thank you, aka.
I'll try and trouble you as less as I can.
smiley - smiley

Welcome journeyman!!

Post 3

Researcher 178815

Trouble me if you need the help, it's no trouble, it's my job! (Well, i don't get paid for it, but anyway...)

smiley - cool aka smiley - cool

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